* **********************************************************
*                   8th Int. Workshop on
*       Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust (STAST)
*                    http://stast.uni.lu
*                   4 December 2018
* ----------------------------------------------------------
*                    Affiliated with
* the Annual Computer Security Application Conference 
*                     (ACSAC 2018)
*                 San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
* **********************************************************

The workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust
runs this year its 8th edition. 

Title and Abstract: October 12, 2018, 23.59 AoE (= UTC-12)
Full Paper: October 15, 2018, 23.59, AoE (= UTC-12)
Notification: November 17, 2018
Camera Ready: (after the workshop)

We accept

(1) Full Papers; 
(2) Position Papers; 
(3) Case Studies;
(4) Work in Progress.

Program Committee
This year the workshop has welcomed members from the former Human Aspects in 
Security, Privacy and Trust (HAS) Conference.

For more details, please visit our web page

Including, but not limited to:

* Usability and user experience in security 
* Requirements for socio-technical systems
* Feasibility of policies from the socio-technical perspective
* Threat models that combine technical and human-centered strategies
* Socio-technical factors in decision making in security and privacy
* Balance between technical measures and social strategies 
* Studies of real-world security incidents socio-technical perspective
* Social factors in organizations security policies and processes
* Lessons from design and deployment of security mechanisms and policies
* Models of user behaviour and user interactions with technology
* Perceptions of security, risk, and trust and their influence on humans
* Interplay of law, ethics and politics with security and privacy measures
* Social engineering, persuasion, and other deception techniques
* Socio-technical analysis of security incidents
* Strategies, methodology and guidelines cyber-security intelligence analysis

We welcome qualitative and quantitative research approaches from academia and 

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