Special Issue on Mining Social Influence and Actionable Insights from
Social Networks

Elsevier’s Information Processing and Management Journal



In the last 10 years, the dissemination and use of social networks have
grown significantly worldwide. Online social networks have billions of
users and are able to record hundreds of data from each of its users. The
wide adoption of social networks resulted in an ocean of data which
presents an interesting opportunity for performing data mining and
knowledge discovery in a real-world context. The enormity and high variance
of the information that propagates through large user communities
influences the public discourse in society and sets trends and agendas in
topics that range from marketing, education, business and medicine to
politics, technology and the entertainment industry. Mining the contents of
social networks provides an opportunity to discover social structure
characteristics, analyze action patterns qualitatively and quantitatively,
and gives the ability to predict future events. In recent years, decision
makers have become savvy about how to translate social data into actionable
information in order to leverage them for a competitive edge. Moreover,
social networks expose different aspects of the social behavior of its
users. In this respect, many users of the social networks are known as
influencers. The influencers are users that usually publish their opinions
about different topics, products and services on the social networks, and
then affect intentionally or unintentionally the opinions, emotions, or
behaviors of other users on the social networks. Because of the high impact
of influencers on the opinions and behaviors of other users, many companies
and organizations are interested in discovering influencers on social
networks to increase the promotion and sale of their products and services.
However, the discovering of influencers on social networks is a really
complex problem that requires developing models, techniques and algorithms
for an appropriate analysis.

Traditional research in social network mining mainly focuses on theories
and methodologies for community discovery, pattern detection and evolution,
behavioural analysis and anomaly (misbehaviour) detection. While
interesting and definitely worthwhile, the main distinguishing focus of
this joint workshop will be the use of social network data for building
predictive models that can be used to uncover hidden and unexpected aspects
of user-generated content in order to extract actionable insights from them
and for analyzing different aspects of social influence, such as influence
maximization and discovering influencers. Thus, the focus is on algorithms
and methods for (social) network analysis, data mining techniques to gain
actionable real-world insights, and models and approaches for understanding
influence dissemination and discovering influential users in social

In this special issue, we solicit manuscripts from researchers and
practitioners, both from academia and industry, from different disciplines
such as computer science, data mining, machine learning, network science,
social network analysis and other related areas to share their ideas and
research achievements in order to deliver technology and solutions for
mining actionable insight from social network data.


We solicit original, unpublished and innovative research work on all
aspects around, but not limited to, the following themes:


   Predictive modeling based on social networks such as

o Box office prediction

o Election prediction

o Flu prediction


   Product adaptation models with social networks such as

o Sale price prediction

o New product popularity prediction

o Brand popularity

o Business downfall prediction


   User modeling and social networks including

o Predict users daily activities including recurring events

o User churn prediction

o Determining user similarities, trustworthiness and reliability


   Social networks and information/knowledge dissemination

o Topic and trend prediction

o Prediction of information diffusion patterns

o Identification of causality and correlation between


   Social network analysis and measures

o Network topology

o Centrality measures

o Community detection

o Dynamic network models

o Diffusion models


   Information diffusion modeling with social networks

o Information propagation and assimilation in social networks

o Sentiment diffusion in social networks

o Competitive intelligence from social networks


   Social influence analysis on online social networks

o Systems and algorithms for discovering influential users

o Recommending influential users in online social networks

o Social influence maximization

o Modeling social networks and behavior for discovering influential users

o Discovering influencers for advertising and viral marketing in social

o Decision support systems and influencer discovering


   Trust and reputation in social networks

   Merging internal (proprietary) data with social data

   Feature Engineering from Social Networks

   Datasets and Evaluation methodologies for predictive modeling in social


* Submission deadline: October 15, 2018

* First Notification: Jan 1, 2019

* Revisions Due: Feb 1, 2019

* Final Notification: April 1, 2019


• Marcelo G. Armentano, ISISTAN Research Institute (CONICET- UNICEN),

• Ebrahim Bagheri, Ryerson University, Canada

• Frank Takes, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

• Virginia D. Yannibelli, ISISTAN Research Institute (CONICET- UNICEN),

Paper Submission Details

Papers submitted to this special issue for possible publication must be
original and must not be under consideration for publication in any other
journal or conference. Previously published or accepted conference papers
must contain at least 30% new material to be considered for the special

All papers are to be submitted through the journal editorial submission
system (https://www.evise.com/profile/#/IPM/login). At the beginning of the
submission process in the submission system, authors need to select “Mining
Social Influence and Actionable Insights from Social Networks” as the
article type. All manuscripts must be prepared according to the journal
publication guidelines which can also be found on the website provided
above. Papers will be evaluated following the journal’s standard review
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