Workshop at ACM RecSys 2018, Vancouver, CA
October 7, 2018

One of the main goals of offline metrics for recommender systems is to indicate 
the future online performance of the same recommender system in an online 
setting, as measured by various user-based utility metrics, such as the time 
spent by a user on the website, the number of media items consumed, the number 
of attributed sales or the reported user satisfaction. However, practitioners 
often observe significant differences between offline and online results of a 
new algorithm, and therefore tend to mostly rely on online methods such as A/B 
testing to evaluate their algorithms.

To this end, we welcome contributions that advance the current state of 
knowledge on offline recommendation metrics that correlate well with the final 
performance of the online recommender system; or new recommendation algorithms 
that directly optimize for online metrics.

We invite submissions of 2-8 pages to be presented as talks or posters. The 
reviews will be single-blind.

Potential contributions include (but are not limited to):

  *   Framing the problem: what are we trying to solve exactly? This includes 
work on the theoretical foundations of the recommendation task and on the 
corresponding offline metrics:
     *   Recommendation as a counterfactual inference problem. This encompasses 
all work on new offline metrics and new optimization criteria for 
recommendation using ideas from causal inference, such as: Learning from data 
Missing Not at Random (MNAR), Counterfactual Risk Minimization (CRM) and Batch 
Learning from Bandit Feedback (BLBF), Deconvolving recommendation-lead from 
organic feedback in logged data, Causal Inference using domain adaptation
     *   Recommendation as a reinforcement learning problem. This is aimed to 
all work that frames recommendation as a reinforcement learning task and that 
borrows ideas from RL on evaluating recommendation policies, such as the use of 
simulation in recommender systems evaluation.
  *   Studies on offline-online metrics correlation for Recommendation.
  *   More realistic offline metrics.
     *   Offline metrics for slate recommendation evaluation.
     *   Offline metrics for logged data with sequential recommendation 
exposure and delayed feedback.
  *   Datasets and toolkits.
     *   New exploration schemes to improve the collection of more informative 
offline datasets.
     *   Open datasets. All recommendation dataset releases that aim to somehow 
bridge the gap between offline and online metrics.
     *   Toolkits. Including new software for evaluation metrics, reproducible 
research and baseline algorithms.

Submission deadline: July 28th, 2018 via our CMT 
Thorsten Joachims
Professor, Cornell University
Department of Computer Science
Department of Information Science

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