Dear UAI colleagues,

I would appreciate it if you would bring these positions to the attention of 
anybody who may be interested in them.

The National University of Ireland Galway, which is ranked in the top 1% of 
universities in the world, is seeking to recruit three excellent people for new 
roles as we expand and grow our Computer Science and Data Analytics 

  *   Two new permanent lecturers in Computer Science (roughly equivalent to 
tenured assistant/associate professorships in North America)
  *   An Established Professor of Data Analytics, associated with the Insight 
Centre for Data Analytics at NUI Galway

I will be at ICML and IJCAI next week - if you will be there, please send me a 
message if you would like to have a discussion in person about these posts.

We have a deep commitment to equality and diversity, including achieving 
equality of opportunity for all staff, irrespective of their gender.

The deadline for applications is 18 July 2018. More information here:

About the Lecturer in Computer Science Posts:

The successful people will engage in research, teaching, student project 
supervision, and programme administration across a complimentary portfolio of 
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Computer Science. We are 
particularly interested in candidates whose teaching and research specialisms 
complement those of the Discipline of Information Technology, which we are 
currently developing into a new School of Computer Science. Domains include but 
are not limited to: artificial intelligence; machine learning; cloud computing; 
complex information visualisation; data analytics; computer forensics and 
cybersecurity; trust and privacy; complex and adaptive systems; embedded 
systems; digital media and games; and software engineering & quality.

About the Established Professor of Data Analytics Post:

The new professor will be expected to provide support and direction in NUI 
Galway's Insight Centre and Data Science Institute and will lead a team of 
post-doctoral and postgraduate researchers. S/he will act as the principal 
scientific investigator on a number of key Insight projects and will provide 
support and research supervision to the members of his/her research group. More 
generally, the new professor will be expected to be a leader in the development 
of data science at the University, and make an important contribution to 
further advancing the research and teaching agenda of the College and 
University. The new professor will also be expected to further develop 
collaborative links between Insight and the College, and more generally across 
the University, including with mathematics, humanities, business and social 

Best regards,

  Michael Madden
  Professor of Computer Science:<>
  Head of Machine Learning & Data Mining Research Group:

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