
                     ***HFR 2018 Call for Papers***

11th International Workshop on Human Friendly Robotics

               Shenzhen, China ~ 13 -14 November 2018

                      Submission Deadline: 20 July 2018


Submission Site: http://www.hfr2018.org/papersubmission.html


***Important Dates***


Submission deadline                          July 20, 2018

Notification of acceptance               September 15, 2018

Early registration deadline              October 27, 2018

The growing need to automate daily tasks, combined with new robot technologies, 
is driving the development of a new generation of human-friendly robots, i.e., 
safe and dependable machines, operating in the close vicinity to humans or 
directly interacting with them in a wide range of domains. The technological 
shift from classical industrial robots, which are safely kept away from humans 
in cages, to robots, which are used in close collaboration with humans, is 
facing major challenges that need to be overcome.

The objective of the workshop is to bring together academic scientists, 
researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and 
research results on all aspects related to the introduction of robots into 
everyday life. The workshop covers a wide range of topics related to 
human-robot interaction, both physical and cognitive, including theories, 
methodologies, technologies, empirical and experimental studies.

For the first time, the workshop is organized outside Europe with the aim of 
creating a bridge between the different demographics on advancing the field of 
human friendly robotic technologies.

We are pleased to announce the following confirmed plenary talks:

Bruno Siciliano, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, "Nonprehensile 
manipulation of deformable objects: Achievements and perspectives from the 
RoDyMan project"

Antonio Bicchi, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia/University of Pisa, Italy, 
"From Human Robot Interaction to Human Robot Integration"

Yaochu Jin, University of Surrey, UK, "An evolutionary developmental 
perspective of brain-like intelligence"

Sylvain Calinon, Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland, "Acquisition of robot 
skills from few human demonstrations"

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,

*Fundaments of human-friendly robots

1.mechatronic design

2.control methods for safe and adaptive interaction

3.interaction-based robot design

4.telerobotic systems

5.methods for physical and cognitive human-robot interaction

6.multimodal human-robot communication

7.human monitoring and intention recognition

8.cognitive modelling

9.adaptive interfaces

10.cooperative task execution and sliding autonomy

11.learning by demonstration

12.human factors

13.benchmarking and performance analysis

14.social and ethical issues

*Applications of human-friendly robots

1.medical and rehabilitation devices

2.prostheses and orthoses

3.robot assisted therapy

4.personal and entertainment robots

5.collaborative robots

6.social robots

7.human-robot interaction in hazardous environments.

*Social and Ethical Issues

The workshop is expected to be technically sponsored by IEEE Robotics and 
Automation Society (RAS). Accepted papers will be archived in IEEE Xplore 
Digital Library with EI indexing. Please visit the workshop website 
www.hfr2018.org for paper preparation and submission information.

Should you have any queries, please contact 
hfr2...@chinasaat.com<mailto:hfr2...@chinasaat.com>. We look forward to seeing 
you in Shenzhen!

Best wishes,

Fei Chen, Xin Wang, Zhibin Li, Chenguang Yang, Yan Wu

on behalf of HFR 2018 Organising Committee

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