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                CALL FOR PAPERS

International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV 2018)
Verona, Italy, September 5-8, 2018

>>>>>>> www.3dv.org<<<<<<<

           Important Dates
Paper submission deadline:  May 25, 2018
Acceptance notification:   July 17, 2018
Camera ready paper:        July 30, 2018
Conference:          September 5-8, 2018

Keynote speakers
Michael Bronstein - Universita' della Svizzera Italiana
Venu Madhav Govindu - Indian Institute of Science
Marc Pollefeys - ETH Zurich

The 6th international conference on 3D Vision will be held in Verona, Italy, September 5-8, 2018. Since 2013, under the name 3DV, this event has provided
a premier platform for disseminating research results covering a broad
variety of topics in the area of 3D research in computer vision and graphics,
from novel optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modelling,
representation and transmission, to visualisation and interaction, and a
variety of applications.

3DV 2018 will showcase high quality single-track oral and poster presentations,
and demonstration sessions. It will also feature industrial exhibitions
held in conjunction with the main conference. Proposals for Tutorials and
Demos are also invited. Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Conference
Publishing Services (CPS) and submitted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL.

Topics of interest
ACQUISITION                                ANALYSIS
- Geometry                                 - Shape recognition
- Calibration                              - Shape retrieval
- Photometric stereo and Shape from X      - Shape analysis
- Photogrammetry                           - Segmentation
- Structure from motion and SLAM           - Motion and tracking
- Dense reconstruction and stereo          - Body, face and gesture
- Structured light and TOF sensors
- Computational photography                RENDERING AND INTERACTION
                                           - Image-based rendering
MODELLING                                  - Applied perception
- Shape modelling and editing              - Augmented and mixed reality
- Geometry processing                      - Human-computer interaction
- Appearance modelling
- Registration                             APPLICATIONS
- Shape description and features           - Medical
- Morphable models                         - Robotics
                                           - Cultural heritage
                                           - Industrial
                                           - Entertainment
                                           - Digital fabrication

General Chair
Andrea Fusiello - University of Udine

Program Chairs
Umberto Castellani - University of Verona
Tomas Pajdla - Czech Technical University in Prague
Yoichi Sato - University of Tokyo
Alla Sheffer - University of British Columbia

Call for demos
3DV 2018 solicits submission of demos concerning methods, systems and applications in the broad area of 3D Computer Vision. Inquiries on the demo submission process may be sent to 3dv18de...@3dv.org. Further information can be found at www.3dv.org.

Demo submission deadline:  June 30th, 2018
Acceptance notification:   July 31st, 2018

Call for tutorials
3DV 2018 will host tutorials on topics related to 3D research in Computer Vision. Inquiries on the tutorial submission process may be sent to 3dv18tutori...@3dv.org.
Further information can be found at www.3dv.org.

Tutorial submission deadline: June 15th, 2018
Acceptance notification:      July 1st, 2018

>>>>>>> For more information please visit www.3dv.org<<<<

Prof. Carlo Colombo - Publicity Chair, 3DV 2018
Computational Vision Group @ University of Florence

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