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The Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence of the Tilburg 
School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, is looking for an enthusiastic 
colleague for the position of Assistant Professor in the field of Educational 
Technology. The candidate is expected to initiate and conduct fundamental and 
applied research in Educational Technology, as well as contribute to teaching 
in the Bachelor program Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence and the 
Master’s program Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence. Researchers in 
the Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence have access to 
a computer cluster with GPU computing capability, experimental lab facilities, 
a robotics lab, as well as virtual reality and sensing technologies. The 
department plays an important role in Mind Labs (, an 
initiative which fosters collaborations between knowledge institutions and 
corporations in the field of interactive technologies and behavior.

The position calls for an ambitious scientist with experience in both 
teaching and research. The successful candidate

* has a PhD and a publication record in a domain including but 
  not limited to educational technology, learning analytics, human technology 
  interaction, virtual and augmented reality for educational and training 
  purposes, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence;

* has a strong record in developing and teaching Bachelor and (Research) 
  Master courses, and experience with supervising Bachelor and Master’s theses;

* has the ability to acquire external funding for research;

* has the ability to work in an interdisciplinary team;

* has the ability to communicate fluently in English;

* has acquired or is willing to acquire the University Teaching 
  Qualification (UTQ).

The position will be ranked in the Dutch university job ranking system (UFO) as 
assistant professor (“universitair docent”). The starting gross salary for a 
full-time appointment is (minimally) € 3.475,- in scale 11 up to (maximally) 
€ 4.757,- gross per month per month (max € 66.388,- all in per year). The 
position is full time, with tasks divided between teaching/management (65%) and 
research (35%). A part-time position of 80% is negotiable.
The start of the employment is negotiable, preferably as near as possible to 
August 1, 2018. A successful candidate receives first a contract of 1 year, 
after a positive evaluation an extension of 1 to 3 years. A permanent position 
after this period is possible dependent on performance and UTQ and the success 
of the programs.

Tilburg University is rated among the top of Dutch employers and has excellent 
terms of employment. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may qualify for a 
tax-free allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary. The university will 
apply for such an allowance on their behalf. The Tilburg School of Humanities 
and Digital Sciences will provide assistance in finding suitable accommodation. 
The university offers very good fringe benefits (it is one of the best 
non-profit employers in the Netherlands), such as a holiday allowance, an 
options model for terms and conditions of employment and reimbursement of 
moving expenses.

For more information on this position, please contact dr. Marie Postma 
( , or  the Head of the Department, prof.  Pieter Spronck 

Applications should include a cover letter in English, a Curriculum Vitae 
(including two references), and a one-page statement about the candidate’s 
contribution to Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. The application 
deadline is May 21, 2018. The only way to apply is online by following this 

Note: check out the current vacancies in the department on the above link. The 
department has job vacancies for Assistant professor in Data Science, 
Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Educational Technology.

Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences (TSHD) conducts scientific 
research and education in the fields of Communication and Information Sciences, 
Philosophy, Religious studies and Language and Culture studies. The School of 
Humanities features three departments, several research institutes and a 
office. Each year around 275 students commence a Bachelor or (Pre) Master 
Program. The School has approximately 1300 students and 250 employees.

Tilburg University applies the recruitmentcode of the Dutch Association for 
Personnel Management & Organization Development (NVP).

The text of this vacancy advertisement is copyright-protected property of 
Tilburg University. Use, distribution and further disclosure of the 
advertisement without express permission from Tilburg University is not 
and this applies explicitly to use by recruitment and selection agencies which 
do not act directly on the instructions of Tilburg University. Responses 
resulting from recruitment by non-contractors of Tilburg Universities will not 
be handled.

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