Please forward widely. -- Parag
--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS: Eighth Workshop on Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence (StaRAI), July 2018, Stockholm. Co-located with ICML and IJCAI-ECAI-18 Workshop Webpage: The purpose of the Statistical Relational AI (StarAI) workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from two fields: logical (or relational) AI and probabilistic (or statistical) AI. These fields share many key features and often solve similar problems and tasks. Until recently, however, research in them has progressed independently with little or no interaction. The fields often use different terminology for the same concepts and, as a result, keeping-up and understanding the results in the other field is cumbersome, thus slowing down research. Our long term goal is to change this by achieving a synergy between logical and statistical AI. As a stepping stone towards realizing this big picture view on AI, we are organizing the Eighth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI at the Federated AI Meeting / IJCAI-ECAI 2018 in Stockholm, July 13-15, 2018. Key Dates: * Papers due: May 22, 2018 * Notification: June 15, 2018 * Camera-ready due: July 2, 2018 * Day of Workshop: July 14 or 15, 2018 (exact date to be confirmed) Submission site: Authors should submit either a full paper reporting on novel technical contributions or work in progress (AAAI style, up to 7 pages excluding references), a short position paper (AAAI style, up to 2 pages excluding references), or an already published work (verbatim, no page limit, citing original work) in PDF format via EasyChair. All submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by multiple reviewers and low-quality or off-topic papers will be rejected. Accepted papers will be presented as a short talk and poster. TOPICS: StarAI is currently provoking a lot of new research and has tremendous theoretical and practical implications. Theoretically, combining logic and probability in a unified representation and building general-purpose reasoning tools for it has been the dream of AI, dating back to the late 1980s. Practically, successful StarAI tools will enable new applications in several large, complex real-world domains including those involving big data, social networks, natural language processing, bioinformatics, the web, robotics and computer vision. Such domains are often characterized by rich relational structure and large amounts of uncertainty. Logic helps to effectively handle the former while probability helps her effectively manage the latter. We seek to invite researchers in all subfields of AI to attend the workshop and to explore together how to reach the goals imagined by the early AI pioneers. The focus of the workshop will be on general-purpose representation, reasoning and learning tools for StarAI as well as practical applications. Specifically, the workshop will encourage active participation from researchers in the following communities: satisfiability (SAT), knowledge representation (KR), constraint satisfaction and programming (CP), (inductive) logic programming (LP and ILP), graphical models and probabilistic reasoning (UAI), statistical learning (NIPS, ICML, and AISTATS), graph mining (KDD and ECML PKDD) and probabilistic databases (VLDB and SIGMOD). It will also actively involve researchers from more applied communities, such as natural language processing (ACL and EMNLP), information retrieval (SIGIR, WWW and WSDM), vision (CVPR and ICCV), semantic web (ISWC and ESWC) and robotics (RSS and ICRA). PRACTICAL: StarAI will be a one day workshop with short paper presentations, a poster session, and three invited speakers. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Hendrik Blockeel (KU Leuven) Jaesik Choi (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Fabio Cozman (University of São Paulo) Jesse Davis (KU Leuven) Pedro Domingos (University of Washington) Sebastijan Dumancic (KU Leuven) Richard Evans (Electronic Arts) Manfred Jaeger (Aalborg University) Mehran Kazemi (University of British Columbia) Kristian Kersting (TU Darmstadt) Daniel Lowd (University of Oregon) Pasquale Minervini (University College London) Sriraam Natarajan (The University of Texas at Dallas) Aniruddh Nath (Google) Maximilian Nickel (Facebook AI Research) Mathias Niepert (NEC Labs Europe) Scott Sanner (University of Toronto) Vítor Santos Costa (University of Porto) Oliver Schulte (Simon Fraser University) Sameer Singh (University of California, Irvine) Dhanya Sridhar (University of California Santa Cruz) Lucas Sterckx (Ghent University) Guy Van den Broeck (University of California, Los Angeles) Johannes Welbl (University College London) Rodrigo de Salvo Braz (SRI International) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Angelika Kimmig (Cardiff University) David Poole (UBC) Jay Pujara (USC) Parag Singla (IIT Delhi) ------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU