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                           Call for Papers
                   24th International Symposium on
                Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
                              ISMIS 2018

                           Special Session
              - Formal Methods for Intelligent Systems -

     October 29 - 31, 2018, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus

ISMIS is an established and  prestigious conference for exchanging the
latest research  results in  building intelligent systems.  Held twice
every three  years, the  conference provides  a medium  for exchanging
scientific research and technological achievements accomplished by the
international community.

The scope of ISMIS is intended to  represent a wide range of topics on
applying  Artificial Intelligence  techniques to  areas as  diverse as
decision  support,  automated  deduction, reasoning,  knowledge  based
systems,  machine  learning,   computer  vision,  robotics,  planning,
databases, information  retrieval, etc.  The focus  is on  research in
intelligent  systems.   The  conference  addresses   issues  involving
solutions  to  problems   that  are  complex  to   be  solved  through
conventional approaches and that require the simulation of intelligent
thought  processes,  heuristics  and applications  of  knowledge.  The
integration of  these multiple approaches in  solving complex problems
is of particular  importance.  ISMIS provides a forum and  a means for
exchanging information  for those  interested purely in  theory, those
interested  primarily  in  implementation,  and  those  interested  in
specific research and industrial applications.

Formal Methods for Intelligent Systems
Traditionally,  Formal Methods  have been  used as  rigorous means  to
prove correctness  and safety of  software and hardware  systems. They
are rooted in logic and reasoning,  and aim to provide guarantees that
the   system   is   behaving   correctly,  which   is   necessary   in
safety-critical   contexts.   Such    guarantees   can   be   provided
automatically   for  conventional   software/hardware  systems   using
verification technologies  such as model checking  or theorem proving.
However, in several (critical)  application domains (e.g. planning and
scheduling,  machine   learning,  autonomous   controllers  synthesis,
business processes) the underpinning reasoning techniques do not offer
the needed guarantees, and reasoning capabilities necessary to justify
safety  of the  application.  The  scope of  this  special session  is
intended  to  represent research  results  and  discussions about  the
application  and/or combination  of  Formal  Methods (model  checking,
theorem  proving, mathematical  reasoning  ...) to  solve problems  in
different  areas such  as Planning  and Scheduling,  Machine Learning,
Decision Support Systems, Robotics,  Autonomy, Business Processes. The
session  addresses issues  involving solutions  to problems  that will
benefit from the adoption of Formal Methods. Examples are for instance
guarantee  robustness of  a plan,  or robustness  of a  (deep) neural,
robustness/safety  of  a  decision  support system  or  of  a  robotic
controller or of a business process.

This  special   session  aims   at  bringing  together   academic  and
industrial  leaders who  will  present and  discuss  the results  that
combine Formal Methods to solve problems in different areas related to
Intelligent Systems. The topics include, but not limited to:
* Intelligent Information Systems
* Autonomic and Evolutionary Computation
* Logic for Artificial Intelligence
* Knowledge Integration and Aggregation
* Intelligent Agent Technology
* Intelligent Data Processing and Analytics

Paper Submission.
Authors are  invited to  submit their  manuscripts (maximum  10 pages)
electronically   in   Springer's   LNCS/LNAI   style.   For   detailed
instructions         see        the         conference        homepage
(http://cyprusconferences.org/ismis2018/);  any necessary  information
concerning  typesetting  can  be  obtained  directly  from  Springer's
webpage. All submissions  will be subject to review by  the ISMIS 2018
program committee in consultation with the special session organizers.

The accepted  papers will  be published in  ISMIS 2018  proceedings in
Springer's LNAI series.

Important Dates.
* Paper submission: May 10, 2018
* Notification of accept/reject: July 10, 2018
* Camera-Ready: July 31, 2018
* Author Registration Deadline: July 31, 2018

Special Session Chairs.
Marco Roveri                     Alberto Griggio
Fondazione Bruno Kessler         Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Trento, Italy,                   Trento, Italy,
rov...@fbk.eu                    grig...@fbk.eu

ISMIS 2018: http://cyprusconferences.org/ismis2018/
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