ICAPS 2018 Doctoral Consortium and Mentoring Program - Final Call for


The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018) invites Ph.D. students to participate
in this year’s Doctoral Consortium. The DC is open to all doctoral student
attendees of the conference. The aim of the DC program is to provide a
forum for students to discuss their work with other students and senior
researchers working in similar areas, provide general advice regarding
research skills and careers, and generally to accelerate the cohesion of
new researchers with the ICAPS community and nurture the future of the
field. Registering for the Doctoral Consortium will be part of the
registration process for the conference.

We also encourage current doctoral students (students whose Ph.D. is in
progress, but who are at least a year from defence/completion) to apply for
the Mentoring Program that will take place as part of the Doctoral
Consortium. The Mentoring Program is designed to provide senior graduate
students with an opportunity to get in-depth advice and mentoring by senior
members of the field regarding careers and research skills. Participants in
the mentoring program will also present posters during the main ICAPS
conference in a session open to all ICAPS participants. The Mentoring
Program will take place as part of the ICAPS-18 Doctoral Consortium, which
will be held on June 24th, one day prior to the workshops and tutorials
conference. Students do not need to be accepted into the Mentoring Program
to attend and participate in the Doctoral Consortium.

*Student Funding*

ICAPS will provide student support partly covering travel and/or
registration costs through a separate scholarship application process.
Students are *not* required to apply for the Mentoring Program to be
considered for this support. Participation in the DC, however, is a
requirement for students receiving travel assistance (as are some light
service tasks during the conference).

Please visit http://icaps18.icaps-conference.org/students/student-support/ for
more information.

*Application Procedure for the Mentoring Program*

Applicants for the Mentoring Program should submit a single PDF file at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icapsdc18 that contains:

   - A dissertation abstract (not a paper) of at most 4 pages, using AAAI
   - A CV.
   - A representative/exemplary conference publication (for sharing
   with mentor - optional).
   - A short recommendation letter from their Ph.D. supervisor verifying
   the applicant’s enrollment in a PhD program and summarizing why the DC and
   Mentoring Program will especially benefit the applicant.

For any questions or problems, please contact the DC chairs.

*Important Dates*

   - Submission deadline: *March 1 2018*
   - Notification date: March 22, 2018
   - Doctoral Consortium: June 24, 2018

*Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs*

   - Jim Boerkoel (boerk...@cs.hmc.edu), Harvey Mudd College, US
   - Gal Kaminka (g...@cs.biu.ac.il), Bar Ilan University, Israel

Hope to see you in Delft!


Prof. Jim Boerkoel
Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College
homepage <http://cs.hmc.edu/~boerkoel/> | Olin 1265 | x74522

Director: human experience & agent teamwork lab (HEATlab)
heatlab.org <http://www.heatlab.org> | facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/muddheatlab> | twitter
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