

12th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing

- SASO 2018 -

September 3-7, 2018

Trento, Italy


Part of FAS* - Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems

Co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing
(ICAC 2018)



The aim of the Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems conference series
(SASO) is to
provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of research on the
foundations of
engineered systems that self-adapt and self-organize. The complexity of
current and
emerging networks, software, and services can be characterized by issues
such as scale,
heterogeneity, openness, and dynamics in the environment. This has led the
engineering, distributed systems, and management communities to look for
inspiration in
diverse fields (e.g., complex systems, control theory, artificial
intelligence, chemistry,
psychology, sociology, and biology) to find new ways of designing and
managing such
computing systems in a principled way. In this endeavor, self-organization
self-adaptation have emerged as two promising interrelated approaches. They
form the basis
of many other so-called self-* properties, such as self-configuration,
self-healing, or
self-optimization. SASO aims to be an interdisciplinary meeting, where
contributions from
participants with different backgrounds leads to the fostering of a
cross-pollination of
ideas, and where innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and
can emerge.


The twelfth edition of the SASO conference embraces this interdisciplinary
nature, and
welcomes novel contributions to both the foundational and
application-focused dimensions
of self-adaptive and self-organizing systems research. We are looking for
that present new fundamental understanding of self-adaptive and
self-organizing systems
and how they can be engineered and used.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

-  Self-* Systems theory: nature-inspired and socially-inspired paradigms
and heuristics;
inter-operation of self-* mechanisms; theoretical frameworks and models;
control theory;

-  Self-* System properties: robustness; resilience; stability;
anti-fragility; diversity;
self-reference and reflection; emergent behavior; computational awareness

-  Self-* Systems engineering: reusable mechanisms and algorithms; design
architectures; methodologies; software and middleware development
frameworks and methods;
platforms and toolkits; multi-agent systems;

-  Theory and practice of self-organization: self-governance, change
electronic institutions, distributed consensus, commons, knowledge
management, and the
general use of rules, policies, etc. in self-* systems;

-  Theory and practice of self-adaptation: mechanisms for adaptation,
including evolution,
logic, learning; adaptability, plasticity, flexibility;

-  Socio-technical self-* systems: human and social factors; visualization;
and collective awareness; humans-in-the-loop; ethics and humanities in
self-* systems;

-  Data-driven approaches to self-* systems: data mining; machine learning;
data science
and other statistical techniques to analyze, understand, and manage the
behavior of
complex systems;

-  Self-adaptive and self-organizing hardware: self-* materials;
reconfigurable hardware;

-  Self-* Systems Education: experience reports; curricula; innovative
course concepts;
methodological aspects of self-* systems education;

-  Applications and experiences with self-* systems: smart grid, smart
cities, smart
homes, adaptive industrial plants, cyber-physical systems; autonomous
vehicles and
robotics; traffic management; self-adaptive cyber-security; Internet of
Things; fog/edge
computing; etc.


Abstract submission: April 16, 2018

Paper submission: April 23, 2018

Notification: June 4, 2018

Camera ready copy due: July 2, 2018

Conference: September 3-7, 2018


Submissions can have up to 10 pages formatted according to the standard
IEEE Computer
Society Press proceedings style guide. Please submit your papers
electronically in PDF
format using the SASO 2018 conference management system:


The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press, and made
available as a
part of the IEEE Digital Library. Note that a separate Call for Poster and
Submissions will also be issued. As per the standard IEEE policies, all
submissions should
be original, i.e., they should not have been previously published in any
proceedings, book, or journal and should not currently be under review for
archival conference. We would like to also highlight IEEE’s policies
regarding plagiarism
and self-plagiarism (http://www.ieee.org/.../ID_Plagiarism.html). Where
relevant and
appropriate, accepted papers will also be encouraged to participate in the
Demo or Poster


Papers should present novel ideas in the cross-disciplinary research
context described in
this call, motivated by problems from current practice or applied research.
theoretical and empirical contributions should be highlighted,
substantiated by formal
analysis, simulation, experimental evaluations, or comparative studies,
etc. Appropriate
references must be made to related work. Due to the cross-disciplinary
nature of the SASO
conference, we encourage papers to be intelligible and relevant to
researchers who are not
members of the same specialized sub-field. Authors are also encouraged to
submit papers
describing applications. Application papers should provide an indication of
the real-world
relevance of the problem that is solved, including a description of the
domain, and an
evaluation of performance, usability, or comparison to alternative
approaches. Experience
papers are also welcome, especially if they highlight insights into any
aspect of design,
implementation or management of self-* systems that would be of benefit to
and the SASO community. All submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed
and evaluated
based on the quality of their technical contribution, originality,
significance, presentation, understanding of the state of the art, and
overall quality.


Antonio Bucchiarone (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, IT)

Alberto Montresor (University of Trento, IT)


Jake Beal (Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA)

Nelly Bencomo (Aston University, UK)

Jean Botev (University of Luxembourg, LU)

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