The SIGCHI Student Travel Grant (SSTG) program is intended to enable
students who lack other funding opportunities to attend SIGCHI sponsored or
co-sponsored conferences. This travel grant is intended to support students
whose intention is to *present* at a SIGCHI sponsored conference, not just
attend. The goal — not fully achieved in the program’s first year — is to
pre-approve students for grants *before* a conference’s earliest submission
deadline, so that *if* a student gets a submission *accepted*, that student
can count on having a grant awarded for travel to the conference.

Students are expected to apply for a SSTG for a particular conference. The
application process is designed so that applications are typically due at
least 6 weeks before the conference’s earliest submission date, and so that
grants will normally be awarded at least one month before the conference’s
earliest submission date. The sections below entitled “The application” and
“The application process and deadlines” have more information.

The deadline of the grant application for ACM RecSys 2018 is Feb 1, 2018 --
before the deadline of paper submissions. If you are willing to apply the
grant, you should take a note about the due date and start the application
as soon as possible

For more information about this grant, refer to

Publicity Chairs at ACM RecSys 2018
Yong Zheng, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Humberto Corona, Zalando, Ireland
uai mailing list

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