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====================================================================== ICAPS 2018 - Call for Workshop Proposals The organizing committee of the 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018), to be held in Delft, The Netherlands, on June 24-29, 2018, invites proposals for its workshop program. The workshops are intended to provide a forum to discuss research advances on a selected topic in an informal setting and to promote dissemination and collaboration on new planning & scheduling challenges. Proposals in all areas related to AI planning and scheduling are welcome. ICAPS is also open to new topics beyond its traditional workshop offerings. For example, we encourage workshops that promote building bridges to other research communities working with similar technologies (e.g. verification, diagnosis, operations research) or on related application problems (e.g. robotics or security). The workshop (and tutorial) programs will comprise several concurrent events held in the two days before the plenary sessions of the conference. Workshop registration is free for ICAPS participants. As in previous years, ICAPS supports the integration of the workshop and tutorial programs. Workshop organizers are welcome to also submit a tutorial proposal on a related topic. This tutorial would usually be scheduled in the morning of the workshop in the same room. We envisage that a full-day workshop will contain a quarter-day tutorial. The preferred length for a workshop is half of a day, in order to encourage and promote the ability of participants to broaden and diversify their participation. The workshop format is open, and may include oral presentations, talks by invited speakers, a poster session, a demo session, and others activities. Workshop organizers are encouraged to take initiatives that foster interaction and debate within the community. == Workshop Proposals == Workshop proposals should be no more than 3 pages and should provide: - A description of the workshop topic. - A brief discussion of why the topic is of interest to ICAPS at this time, and why the topic is not adequately addressed by other meetings or conferences. - If relevant, the title and speaker names for the tutorial to be attached to the workshop. A full tutorial proposal needs to be sent to the tutorial chairs (for details, see the separate call for tutorial proposals). - A brief description of the proposed workshop length and format. Innovative formats that aim to increase opportunities for discussion and interaction are encouraged. - Names and full contact information for the organizing committee, plus short descriptions of their relevant expertise. Strong proposals include organisers who bring differing perspectives to the workshop topic and who are actively connected to the communities of potential participants. - An estimate of the number of workshop speakers (including invited speakers, presenters, panelists, etc.) and the expected number of workshop attendees. Optionally, a list of proposed attendees that have indicated potential (non-binding) interest. The organizers of accepted workshop proposals are responsible for: * Producing a Call for Participation (CfP) and contributing materials for setting up a web page for the workshop by December 22, 2017. The web page and the CfP will be linked to the ICAPS 2018 website. * Additional publicity, such as distributing the CFP to relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists (through liaison with the ICAPS 2018 publicity chairs) and especially to potential audiences outside the ICAPS community. * Organizing the review process for submissions and issuing invitations to participate in the workshop. * Formulating a detailed technical program for the workshop and making it available to be uploaded on the ICAPS 2018 website well in advance of the conference. A list of accepted papers for the workshop should be ready to be placed on the website by April 20, 2018. * Compiling a camera-ready copy for the workshop proceedings in close interaction with the workshop program chairs. The workshop proceedings will be made available on the ICAPS 2018 website. == Submission Procedure == Workshop proposals should be submitted by email, in plain text or in PDF, to both workshop chairs with subject "Workshop Proposal for ICAPS 18" no later than November 30, 2017. Workshop organizers will be notified by email of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by December 15, 2017. == Summary of Important Dates == * Deadline for submission of workshop proposals: November 30, 2017. * Notification of workshop acceptance: December 15, 2017. * Workshop Call for Papers and materials for the website: December 22, 2017. * List of accepted papers for the website: April 20, 2018. * Workshop/Tutorial dates: June 24 and 25, 2018. == Workshop Program Chairs == * Andrey Kolobov (Microsoft Research) akolo...@microsoft.com<mailto:akolo...@microsoft.com> * Eva Onaindia (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia) onain...@dsic.upv.es<mailto:onain...@dsic.upv.es> Please direct all questions to the workshop program chairs. ----- Dr Sara Bernardini Royal Holloway University of London ICAPS'18 Publicity Chair
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