AAAI-2018 Workshop on Planning and Inference
2/3 February 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Important Dates:
- Submission deadline: October 13, 2017, Electronic papers due by 11:59 PM
UTC-10 (midnight Hawaii)
- Notification: November 9, 2017
- Workshop date: 2/3 February, 2018

### Description:

The workshop is focused on the problems of Stochastic Planning and
Probabilistic Inference and the intimate connections between them. Both
Planning and inference are core tasks in AI and the connections between
them have been long recognized. However, much of the work in these subareas
is disjoint. The last decade has seen many exciting developments with
explicit constructions and reductions between planning and inference that
aim for efficient algorithms for large scale problems and applications. The
work in this area is is distributed across many conferences,
sub-communities, and sub-topics and varies from discrete to continuous
problems, single vs. multi-agent problems, general vs. spatial problems,
propositional vs. relational problems, model based planning vs.
reinforcement learning, and exact/optimal vs. approximate vs. heuristic
solutions. Applications similarly vary for example from scheduling to
sustainability and to robot control.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from all these
areas and facilitate synergy and exchange of ideas: to discuss core ideas,
techniques and algorithms that take advantage of the connection between
planning and inference, identify opportunities and challenges for future
work, and explore applications and how they can inform the development of
such work.

The workshop will include invited talks by experts on planning and
inference, contributed talks and a poster session, leaving room for
discussion and interaction among participants.

### Invited Speakers:

-  Rina Dechter, UC Irvine, USA.
-  Marc Toussaint,  University of Stuttgart, Germany.
-  Pascal Van Hentenryck, University of Michigan, USA.

### Contributions:

We invite 4 types of submissions (typeset in the AAAI style):
- Papers describing current unpublished work (up to 8 pages including
- Review of mature work (from multiple papers) by the authors (up to 8
pages including references).
- Papers recently published at other venues (1 page abstract with a link to
the full paper).
- Position papers (2 pages including references).

All papers should clearly explain how the work relates planning and
We welcome relevant submissions of papers being reviewed for AAAI 2018 or
at other venues.

### Submission procedure:

Papers are to be submitted via easychair through

### Organizers

- Roni Khardon, Tufts University, USA
- Akshat Kumar, Singapore Management University, Singapore
- Alex Ihler, UC Irvine, USA

Contact Information:

Queries about the workshop should be directed to:
uai mailing list

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