* **********************************************************
*                   7th Int. Workshop on
*       Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust
*           (STAST) - http://stast.uni.lu
*                December 5, 2017
* ----------------------------------------------------------
*                    Affiliated with
* the Annual Computer Security Application Conference (ACSAC 2017)
*               San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
* **********************************************************

Title and Abstract: September 20, 2017, 23.59 AoE (= UTC-12)
Full Paper: September 25, 2017, 23.59, AoE (= UTC-12)
Notification: October 30, 2017
Camera Ready: November 20, 2017

We accept

(1) Full Papers; 
(2) Position Papers; 
(3) Case Studies 

For more details, please visit our web page

Successful attacks on information systems often combine social engineering
practices with technical skills.  Research in social sciences and usable
security has demonstrated that insecure behavior can be justified from
cognitive, emotional, and social perspectives and to improve security,
technology must adapt to the users.  However, finding the right balance between
the technical and the social security measures remains largely unexplored,
which motivates the need for this workshop.  There is no established holistic
research in security, and the respective communities tend to offload on each
other parts of problems that they consider to be out of scope, an attitude that
results in deficient or unsuitable security solutions.

The workshop intends to stimulate an exchange of ideas and experiences on how
to design systems that are secure in the real world where they interact with
non-expert users. It aims at bringing together experts in various areas of
computer security and in social and behavioral sciences.

The final proceedings will be published with the ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series

* Requirements for socio-technical systems
* Feasibility of policies from the socio-technical perspective
* Threat models that combine technical and human-centered strategies
* Technical and social factors that influence decision making in security and 
* Balance between technical measures and social strategies in ensuring security 
and privacy
* Studies of real-world security incidents from the socio-technical perspective
* Social factors that influence changes in organizations security policies and 
* Lessons learned from holistic design and deployment of security mechanisms 
and policies
* Models of user behaviour and user interactions with technology
* Perceptions of security, risk and trust and their influence on human behaviour
* Interplay of law, ethics and politics with security and privacy measures
* Social engineering, persuasion, and other deception techniques
* Socio-technical analysis of security incidents
* Strategies, methodology and guidelines for socio-technical and cyber-security 
intelligence analysis

We welcome qualitative and quantitative research approaches from academia and 

(see web page)

Robert L. Biddle (Carleton University)

** Programme Chairs
Zinaida Benenson (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) 
Daniela Oliveira (University of Florida)

** Workshop Organizers
Giampaolo Bella (University of Catania)
Gabriele Lenzini (University of Luxembourg)

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