Apologies for multiple postings ***

Please forward it to anyone who may be interested in.


*Track on Recommender Systems: Theory, User Interactions and Applications*

held in conjunction with ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, April 9
- 13, 2018, Pau, France

Website: https://recsystrack.wordpress.com/


Important Dates:

   - *September 15, 2017: Submission of regular papers and SRC research
   - *November 10, 2017: Notification of paper and SRC acceptance/rejection*
   - November 25, 2017: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC
   - December 10, 2017: Author registration due date

   - Tuesday April 10, 2018: SRC Poster Presentations
   - Wednesday April 11, 2018: Posters Program
   - Thursday April 12, 2018: SRC Oral Presentations


*Topics of Interest (but not limited to)*

·        *Recommender Systems*
Conversational recommender systems
Context-aware/Trust-based/Group/Social/Mobile and multi-channel recommenders
Recommendation explanation
New recommender applications
Data mining and machine learning for development
Novel paradigms, Theoretical foundations
Preference elicitation
Privacy and security issues in recommender systems
Recommendation algorithms, Algorithm scalability, Evaluation metrics and
Semantic technologies for recommendation

·        *User modeling in Recommender Systems*
User interface design
User-adaptive interaction and personalization
Empirical user studies
Explanations in recommender systems
User behavior analytics and user modeling
User-centric studies and evaluations in recommender systems
Privacy and security issues in recommender systems
Recommender systems based on users’ psychological characteristics, such as
personality and emotion

*Track Chairs*

Yong Zheng, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Li Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

Markus Zanker, Free University of Bolzano, Italy
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