[Apologies for multiple copies]

DataMod 2017 - Call for Papers
6th International Symposium "From Data to Models and Back"

(formerly known as MoKMaSD)

Trento, 4-5 September 2017

Satellite event of SEFM 2017


Abstract submission deadline :   8 June 2017 (EXTENDED)
Submission deadline               :   8 June 2017 (EXTENDED)


DataMod 2017 aims at bringing together practitioners and researchers
from academia, industry and research institutions interested in the
combined application of computational modelling methods with data-driven
techniques from the areas of knowledge management, data mining and
machine learning. Modelling methodologies of interest include automata,
agents, Petri nets, process algebras and rewriting systems. Application
domains include social systems, ecology, biology, medicine, smart cities,
governance, education, software engineering, and any other field that
deals with complex systems and large amounts of data. Papers can present
research results in any of the themes of interest for the symposium as
well as application experiences, tools and promising preliminary ideas.
Papers dealing with synergistic approaches that integrate modelling and
knowledge management/discovery or that exploit knowledge management/
discovery to develop/synthesise system models are especially welcome.

Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on any
relevant topic. These can either be normal or short papers. Short
papers can discuss new ideas which are at an early stage of
development and which have not yet been thoroughly evaluated.


Modelling and analysis methodologies include:
 - Agent-based Methodologies
 - Automata-based Notations
 - Big Data Analytics
 - Cellular Automata
 - Classification
 - Clustering, Segmentation and Profiling
 - Conformance Analysis
 - Constraint Programming
 - Data Mining
 - Differential Equations
 - Empirical Modelling
 - Game Theory
 - Machine Learning
 - Membrane Systems
 - Network Theory and Analysis
 - Ontologies
 - Optimisation Modelling
 - Petri Nets
 - Process Calculi
 - Process Mining
 - Rewriting Systems
 - Spatio-temporal Data Analysis/Mining
 - Statistical Model Checking
 - System Dynamics
 - Text Mining
 - Topological Data Analysis

Application domains include:
 - Biology
 - Brain Data and Simulation
 - Business Process Management
 - Climate Change
 - Cybersecurity
 - Ecology
 - Education
 - Environmental Risk Assessment and Management
 - Enterprise Architectures
 - Epidemiology
 - Genetics
 - Governance
 - Open Source Software Development and Communities
 - Pharmacology
 - Resilience Engineering
 - Safety and Security Risk Assessment
 - Social Good
 - Social Software Engineering
 - Social Systems
 - Sustainable Development
 - Threat modelling and analysis
 - Urban Ecology and Smart Cities

Synergistic approaches include:
(1) use of modelling methods and notations in a
    knowledge management/discovery context
(2) development and use of common modelling and
    knowledge management/discovery frameworks
    to explore and understand complex systems
    from the application domains of interest


All contributions in the form of either
 - regular (research or position) papers, up to 15 pages, or
 - short (research or position) papers, up to 8 pages,
will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee.
All papers should be written in English and be in LNCS format.
Detailed information on the submission procedure are available
at the symposium web page:

Accepted papers (both regular and short) will be published after
the Symposium by Springer in a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), which will collect contributions to workshops
and symposia co-located with SEFM 2017.

Condition for inclusion in the post-proceedings is that at least one
of the co-authors has presented the paper at the Symposium.
Pre-proceedings will be available online before the Symposium.

A special issue of a relevant international journal with extended
versions of selected papers is planned.


Abstract Submission deadline:          8 June 2017 (EXTENDED)
Paper Submission deadline:              8 June 2017 (EXTENDED)
Accept/Reject Notification:             6 July 2017
Pre-proceedings Final version due:      27 July 2017
Symposium:                              4-5 September 2017


* Siobhán Clarke, Trinity College Dublin
* Bruno Lepri, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and MIT Media Lab


* Vashti Galpin, University of Edinburgh, UK
* André Teixeira, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands


* Ezio Bartocci, TU Wien, Austria
* Bettina Berendt, KU Leuven, Belgium
* Luca Bortolussi, University of Trieste, Italy
* Giulio Caravagna, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Antonio Cerone, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
* Chiara Damiani, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
* Cheng Feng, Imperial College London, UK
* Giuditta Franco, University of Verona, Italy
* Ilenia Fronza, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
* Rosalba Giugno, University of Verona, Italy
* Vashti Galpin, University of Edinburgh, UK (co-chair)
* Yiwei Gong, Wuhan University, China
* Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz, University of Seville, Spain
* Tias Guns, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
* Joris Hulstijn, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
* Mouna Kacimi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
* Donato Malerba, University of Bari, Italy
* Emanuela Merelli, University of Camerino, Italy
* Anna Monreale, University of Pisa, Italy
* Charles Morisset, Newcastle University, UK
* Patrick Mukala, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
* Laura Nenzi, IMT, Lucca, Italy
* Nicola Paoletti, Stony Brook University, USA
* Anna Philippou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
* Carla Piazza, Univeristy of Udine, Italy
* Silvio Ranise, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
* Giulio Rossetti, ISTI-CNR and University of Pisa, Italy
* Matteo Rucco, United Technologies Research Center, Trento, Italy
* Mark Sterling, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
* André Teixeira, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (co-chair)
* Luca Tesei, University of Camerino, Italy
* Roberto Trasarti, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
* Luca Viganò, King's College London, UK
* Nicola Zannone, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
* Roberto Zunino, University of Trento, Italy


* Antonio Cerone, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
* Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
* Stan Matwin, University of Ottawa, Canada
* Paolo Milazzo, University of Pisa, Italy
* Anna Monreale, University of Pisa, Italy


All inquiries should be sent to datamod2...@easychair.org
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