Dear colleagues,

our workshop "Optimizing Thermodynamic Systems" (OTS)
at the Telluride Science Research Center for the period July 24th - July 28th 2017 is coming up soon.
If you are planning to attend, we strongly recommend that you register
make a room reservation soon, since hotel/apartment room supply is
getting tight!

The topics envisioned for our OTS workshop fall into two major groups:

Optimal control of heat engines
        -Minimum dissipation processes
        -Endoreversible modelling of thermal processes
        -Finite Time Thermodynamics
        -Thermodynamic path optimization for endoreversible processes
        -Efficiencies and other thermodynamic optimization goals

Quantum heat engines
        -Quantum cooling
        -Quantum friction
        -Fast effectively-adiabatic processes
        -Optimal quantum control
        -Quantum finite-time availability

As in the past, the workshop will endeavour to give everyone an
opportunity to share his/her current work or important issues of concern in the area
thermodynamics. The workshop will allow ample time for the crucial
intensive but constructive quizzing of the speaker by the audience. This also allows the participants to exchange ideas in detail, and experience has shown that many collaborations have resulted from these meetings. Regarding the
topics, this workshop has always attempted to bring people from
communities together; thus every contribution that addresses issues in
the field of thermodynamics is welcome.

All workshop details can be also found at our website ( or on the corresponding website of TSRC

Hoping to see you in Telluride,

with best greetings,

Karl Heinz Hoffmann and Peter Salamon

Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Hoffmann                          TU Chemnitz
                                                Institut f. Physik
                                                    09107 Chemnitz
Tel. (0371) 531-21950
Fax  (0371) 531-21959       E-mail:
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