SLSP 2017: 3rd call for papers*To be removed from our mailing list, please 
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SLSP 2017

Le Mans, France

October 23-25, 2017


Organized by:


Computer Science Lab (LIUM)

University of Le Mans


Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)

Rovira i Virgili University





SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent 
research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use 
in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting 
contributions from both fields. Though there exist large, well-known 
conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these areas, SLSP is 
a more focused meeting where synergies between subdomains and people will 
hopefully happen. In SLSP 2017, significant room will be reserved to young 
scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on 



SLSP 2017 will take place in Le Mans, in the region Pays de la Loire, a city 
with well-preserved Gallo-Roman remnants. The venue will be:


Claude Chappe Informatics Institute

University of Le Mans

Avenue Laënnec

72085 Le Mans Cedex 9



The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical 
models (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. 
Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited 


anaphora and coreference resolution

authorship identification, plagiarism and spam filtering

computer-aided translation

corpora and language resources

data mining and semantic web

information extraction

information retrieval

knowledge representation and ontologies

lexicons and dictionaries

machine translation

multimodal technologies

natural language understanding

neural representation of speech and language

opinion mining and sentiment analysis


part-of-speech tagging

question-answering systems

semantic role labelling

speaker identification and verification

speech and language generation

speech recognition

speech synthesis

speech transcription

spelling correction

spoken dialogue systems

term extraction

text categorisation

text summarisation

user modeling



SLSP 2017 will consist of:


invited talks

peer-reviewed contributions


INVITED SPEAKERS: (to be completed)


Bhiksha Raj (Carnegie Mellon University), An Introduction to Neural Networks


Paolo Rosso (Technical University of Valencia), Author Profiling in Social 
Media: The Impact of Emotions in Discourse Analysis



Jon Barker (University of Sheffield, UK)

Laurent Besacier (Grenoble Informatics Laboratory, FR)

Paul Buitelaar (National University of Ireland, Galway, IE)

Felix Burkhardt (Telekom Innovation Laboratories, DE)

Xavier Carreras (Xerox Research Centre Europe, FR)

Francisco Casacuberta (Technical University of Valencia, ES)

Ciprian Chelba (Google, US)

Eng Siong Chng (Nanyang Technological University, SG)

Jennifer Chu-Carroll (Elemental Cognition, US)

Doug Downey (Northwestern University, US)

Robert Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield, UK)

Julio Gonzalo (National University of Distance Education, ES)

Keikichi Hirose (University of Tokyo, JP)

Gerhard Jäger (University of Tübingen, DE)

Gareth Jones (Dublin City University, IE)

Joseph Keshet (Bar-Ilan University, IL)

Tomi Kinnunen (University of Eastern Finland, FI)

Lun-Wei Ku (Academia Sinica, TW)

Kong Aik Lee (Institute for Infocomm Research, SG)

Elizabeth D. Liddy (Syracuse University, US)

Xunying Liu (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK)

Suresh Manandhar (University of York, UK)

Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)

Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JP)

Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton, UK)

Marie-Francine Moens (KU Leuven, BE)

Seiichi Nakagawa (Toyohashi University of Technology, JP)

Preslav Nakov (Qatar Computing Research Institute, QA)

Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University, DE)

Cécile Paris (CSIRO, AU)

Fuchun Peng (AISense Inc., US)

Pascal Perrier (Grenoble Institute of Technology, FR)

Leon Rothkrantz (Delft University of Technology, NL)

Horacio Saggion (Pompeu Fabra University, ES)

Murat Saraçlar (Boğaziçi University, TR)

Holger Schwenk (Facebook, FR)

Brad Story (University of Arizona, US)

Karin Verspoor (University of Melbourne, AU)

Xiaojun Wan (Peking University, CN)

Phil Woodland (University of Cambridge, UK)

Chuck Wooters (Semantic Machines, US)

François Yvon (LIMSI-CNRS, FR)



Walid Aransa (Le Mans)

Adrien Bardet (Le Mans)

Abdessalam Bouchekif (Le Mans)

Fethi Bougares (Le Mans)

Nathalie Camelin (Le Mans)

Yannick Estève (Le Mans, co-chair)

Mercedes García Martínez (Le Mans)

Sahar Ghannay (Le Mans)

Anthony Larcher (Le Mans)

Antoine Laurent (Le Mans)

Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, co-chair)

Salima Mdhaffar (Le Mans)

Manuel J. Parra Royón (Granada)

Simon Petitrenaud (Le Mans)

David Silva (London)

Natalia Tomashenko (Le Mans)

Kévin Vythelingum (Le Mans)



Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting 
original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced 
pages (including eventual appendices, references, proofs, graphics, etc.) and 
should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS 
series (see


Submissions have to be uploaded to:



A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series will be 
available by the time of the conference.


A special issue of Computer Speech and Language (Elsevier, JCR 2015 impact 
factor: 1.324) will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially 
extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. 
Submissions to it will be by invitation.



The registration form can be found at:

DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):


Paper submission: June 11, 2017

Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: July 11, 2017

Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNAI proceedings: July 21, 2017

Early registration: July 21, 2017

Late registration: October 9, 2017

Submission to the journal special issue: January 25, 2018




SLSP 2017

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)

Rovira i Virgili University

Av. Catalunya, 35

43002 Tarragona, Spain



Université du Maine

Universitat Rovira i Virgili
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