
                        Call for Contributions

         Workshop on Private and Secure Machine Learning 2017

                   at ICML 2017, Sydney, Australia
                        10th/11th August 2017


There are two complementary approaches to private and secure machine learning: 
differential privacy can guarantee privacy of the subjects of the training data 
with respect to the output of a differentially private learning algorithm, 
while cryptographic approaches can guarantee secure operation of the learning 
process in a potentially distributed environment. The aim of this workshop is 
to discuss the most recent results in this very rapidly progressing and 
exciting field, and to bring together researchers from both private and secure 
machine learning, to stimulate interactions to advance either perspective or to 
combine them. 


   * Submission Date: 26 May 2017
   * Notification of Acceptance: 19 June 2017
   * Workshop date: 10 or 11 August 2017


We invite submissions of abstracts for talks and posters at PSML2017 on all 
aspects of private and secure ML. The abstracts should be 300-600 words long. 
The program committee will select several submitted abstracts for 20-minute 
talks. PSML2017 will consider submissions of both previously published and 
unpublished work. Accepted abstracts will be published on the workshop website.

We look forward for submissions that are novel, exciting and that appeal to the 
wider community. For more details see:

Please submit your contributions at

Antti Honkela (http://www.hiit.fi/u/ahonkela/)
Kana Shimizu (https://iskana.github.io/web/)
Samuel Kaski (https://users.ics.aalto.fi/sami/)

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