NIPS 2017 Call for Tutorials
Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach
Monday December 04 -- Saturday December 09, 2017

Deadline for Tutorial Proposal Submissions:
Thu Jun 15, 2017 23:59 PM UTC

We welcome proposals for tutorials on either core machine learning topics
or topics of emerging importance for machine learning. We will consider any
topic, provided that the proposal makes a strong argument that the tutorial
is important for the NIPS community. Tutorials should be of interest to a
substantial portion of the community and should represent a sufficiently
mature area of research or practice.

Each accepted tutorial will be approximately two hours long. We anticipate
that there will be nine tutorials, with sets of three running in parallel.

Proposals should be no more than four pages in 12 point font submitted in
PDF format. Each proposal should be clearly structured to provide the
following information:

   1. Title
   2. Abstract (up to 250 words)
   3. Description and outline: What material will the tutorial cover and in
   what depth? Please provide a detailed outline. If available, please include
   URLs for slides and video recordings of the presenters' previous tutorials.
   Note that a NIPS tutorial should not focus exclusively on the presenters'
   own research results.
   4. Goals: What are the objectives of the tutorial? What is the benefit
   to attendees? Why is this tutorial important to include at NIPS 2017?
   5. Target audience: What is the target audience? What background should
   attendees have? How many attendees do you expect?
   6. Presenters: Who are the presenters? Please provide names,
   affiliations, email addresses, and short bios (up to 200 words) for each
   presenter. Bios should cover the presenters' expertise related to the topic
   of the tutorial. If there are multiple presenters, please describe how the
   time will be divided between them. All presenters listed in the proposal
   are expected to attend.
   7. A list of the most important references that will be covered.
   8. Previous tutorials: Has the tutorial (or a similar/highly related
   tutorial) been presented at another venue previously? If so, please list
   the dates and venues, and describe the similarities and differences between
   the previous tutorials and proposed tutorial.

Tutorial proposals should be submitted online at Tutorial Application
<> by Thu Jun 15, 2017 23:59 PM UTC.
This page will be updated with full submission instructions when they
become available. An announcement will be made on our Facebook Page and
Twitter Feed (see home page <> to subscribe) when
submission instructions become available.

Tutorial Chairs, NIPS 2017
Jennifer Wortman Vaughan and Samuel Kaski
uai mailing list

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