The department of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University is looking for:

6 talented Assistant Professors in Information and Computing Sciences
(Tenure Track 0.8 - 1.0 FTE) (Female/Male),
 including one Westerdijk fellowship (Female)

Application deadline is 14 May 2017.

To apply go to and please attach a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and (email) addresses of two referees.


Due to our successful teaching programmes and our ambitions in research the Department is expanding. We are therefore actively searching for 6 talented Research and Teaching Assistant Professors in Information and Computing Sciences. Please note that positions offered will vary, depending on experience and expertise. In view of the gender balance we strongly encourage qualified women to apply.

We are searching for excellent candidates, preferably on the Assistant Professor level. The candidate is offered a position for 3-5 years, depending on experience (0.8 / 1.0 FTE). Depending on experience and the specific field of expertise a tenure-track position could be offered. In case of proven outstanding performance an appointment as associate professor could be considered.

We offer the number 1 candidate a fully financed PhD position. We offer the number 1 female candidate a Westerdijk fellowship which includes a fully financed PhD student and a 50 KEuro research budget. In case this is the same person the second PhD student will be offered to the second candidate on the list.

** Job description

Candidates must have expertise in Computing and Information Sciences, related to our current research groups and teaching programmes. We are looking for outstanding candidates who will invigorate and enrich the scope of expertise of our Department and can enhance its involvement in interdisciplinary research projects within and outside the university. The quality of the candidate is leading, but preferred areas of expertise are Data Science, Programming Languages, Information Science, Computer Graphics and Serious Games.

As teaching is an important and satisfying part of our work we are searching for people with a demonstrable motivation to teach. The preferred candidate has teaching experience, and is actively interested in improving her or his teaching, the courses and the teaching programme. Also candidates largely focusing on teaching will be considered.

** Additional information

A more complete description of the job, required qualifications, salary and employment conditions, and our organisation can be found on:

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from: Prof M. van Kreveld, (, Research Director or Ria van Vlimmeren (, Secretary to the Board of the Department.

As part of the selection procedure, the candidate is expected to give an outline of her/his research plans in a written report and/or an oral presentation.

More information:

Dr. Silja Renooij | Assistant Professor | Department of Information and Computing Sciences | Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands | | Available on Tue - Fri |
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