
Call for Papers


Organized by FRC-UTN, SADIO, CLEI

September 4th-8th, 2017

Córdoba, Argentina

SLIOIA- Latin American Symposium on Operations Research & Artificial
Intelligence (CLEI)

ASAI - Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (JAIIO)

SIO - Argentine Symposium on Operations Research (JAIIO)

(Para versión en español ver más abajo)

CLEI and SADIO co-organize this event that aims at bringing together the
Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research communities of Latin
America in general and Argentina in particular in a forum to discuss ideas,
experiences and research results among educators, researchers, students and
industry representatives. The event is part of the 43 CLEI/46 JAIIO. It
will take place in the Facultad Regional de Córdoba of Universidad
Tecnológica Nacional from September 4th to September 8th 2017, with the
collaboration of the Argentinean Association of Artificial Intelligence
(AAIA). The event seeks for original contributions in the areas of
Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research, including academic
research as well as influential industrial and business applications that
yield lessons learned from their development.

In order to bring the academic and professional sectors together,
companies, professionals, educators and researchers are invited and
encouraged to contribute with submissions following the traditional
research work format as well as with concrete applications, case studies,
specific tools, technology transfer activities and practical research
experience reports related to the themes of the symposia. This type of work
can be submitted in any of the modalities mentioned below.

Topics of interest:

Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions include:


- Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems

- Smart environments

- Machine learning

- Automated reasoning

- Knowledge representation

- Bio-inspired computing

- Natural language processing and linguistic computing

- Artificial neural networks

- Fuzzy logic

- Expert systems and knowledge-based systems

- Artificial life

- Pattern recognition

- Artificial intelligence in data analysis

- Clustering

- Artificial vision

- Data mining

- Decision support system

- Formal and empirical aspects of artificial intelligence

- Computer interaction

- Personalization and recommendation systems

- Planning and scheduling

- Robotics

- Innovative applications of artificial intelligence: big-data,
bioinformatics and biological computing, education, social networks,
virtual reality, etc.


- Multi-criteria analysis

- Applications to production scheduling

- Operational research applications and related disciplines

- Economic-financial applications

- Applications in environmental management

- Supply chain

- Heuristics

- Stochastic optimization

- Combinatorial optimization

- Nonlinear optimization

- Planning and scheduling

- Stochastic processes

- Dynamic programming

- Integer programming

- Linear and nonlinear programming

- Simulation

- Queueing theory

- Graph theory

- Game theory

Important dates:

Submission deadline: April 14, 2017

Notification of acceptance: June 20, 2017

Deadline for submission of camera-ready papers and author registration:
July 25, 2017

Conference dates: September 4-8, 2017

Submission modalities:

We invite three different submission modalities:

ASAI. The evaluation will follow the same standards of previous ASAI.
Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings. The best
papers from ASAI will be invited to a special issue of SADIO Electronic
Journal (Latindex).

SIO. The evaluation will follow the same standards of previous SIO. The
best papers from SIO will be invited to a special issue of SADIO Electronic
Journal (Latindex).

SLIOIA. The evaluation will follow the same standards of previous SLIOIA.
The papers that are accepted and presented at SLIOIA will be indexed and
published by IEEExplore digital library. The best theoretical papers
submitted to SLIOIA will be invited to a special issue of Electronic Notes
in Theoretical Computer Science (Scopus), while the best non-theoretical
papers will be invited to a special issue of CLEI Electronic Journal
(Latindex, Scielo, DBLP, DOAJ).

Submissions can be made through the SADIO's OCS system (

To submit your proposal use the following links:

SLIOIA- Latin American Symposium on Operations Research & Artificial
Intelligence (CLEI): http://sgc.sadio.org.ar/sgc/

ASAI - Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (JAIIO):

SIO -  Argentine Symposium on Operations Research (JAIIO):

Submission format:

All contributions should be submitted in PDF format and should use the IEEE
template with A4 paper size available in: http://www.clei2017-46jaiio.
sadio.org.ar/formatoc. Contributions should be written in Spanish,
Portuguese or English. They will be reviewed by an international Program
Committee with members coming from academia and industry. The final program
and proceedings will only include papers with at least one author
registered in the AUTHOR category of the conference before the camera-ready
submission deadline.

ASAI modality. Three types of contributions are possible:

Full papers of 6 to 10 pages, describing original work that has not been
previously published, accepted for publication nor is currently under
review. These papers will undergo a review process and those that are
accepted will be presented orally during the conference and published in
the symposium proceedings.

Short papers of up to 4 pages, describing ongoing research work. These
papers will undergo a review process and those that are accepted will be
presented orally during the conference and published in the symposium

Communications. Through this type of contribution, authors are expected to
inform the community about recent publications in high-impact journals or
international conferences. Contributions must be written in English and
should consist of the title, authors’ names, affiliations, abstract and the
name of the venue where the article has been published. Accepted
communications will be presented orally during the conference but they will
not be published in the symposium proceedings.

SIO modality. Two types of contributions are possible:

Unpublished work, describing original work that has not been previously
published, accepted for publication nor is currently under review in
another conference, symposium or journal. Submitted papers should be
between 6 and 10 pages long, including figures, references and an abstract
of up to 150 words. Accepted papers will be published in the symposium

Oral Communications. Through this type of contribution, participants will
be able to disseminate at the national level work that has been completed
or is in progress, regardless of whether it has already been presented at
international conferences in the area or published in a scientific journal.
The only restriction, which is at the discretion of the presenting author,
is that the work is novel for the local public (for example, that it has
not been presented in an international conference with high-level of
Argentine attendance). A one-page summary will be required (including any
available data from the original publication).

SLIOIA modality: Submitted papers should be the result of original research
work or should report relevant experiences. They should have a maximum
length of 10 pages, including figures, references and an abstract of up to
150 words. Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese should also include an
English abstract. Submitted papers must be substantial intellectual
contributions of the authors and follow practices to avoid plagiarism as
set out in CLEI Code of Conduct for Authors (available at



Diego Delle Donne (UNGS, Argentina), Silvio Gonnet (UTN FRSF – INGAR
CONICET, Argentina), Ana Maguitman (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina), Diego
Pinto (UNA, Paraguay),  Paula Zabala (UBA – ICC CONICET, Argentina)

Program Committee:


Silvana Aciar (Instituto de Informática, Universidad Nacional de San Juan,

José Aguilar (Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela)

Enrique Marcelo Albornoz (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, Argentina)

Hector Allende-Cid (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile)

Miguel Alonso (Universidade da Coruña, España)

Laura Alonso Alemany (FaMAF - UNC, Argentina)

Junior Amilcar Altamiranda Perez (University of Los Andes, Venezuela)

Analía Amandi (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)

Marcelo  Armentano (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)

Juan Carlos Augusto (Middlesex University, Inglaterra)

Ricardo Azambuja Silveira (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil)

José Augusto Baranauskas (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)

Ana Bazzan (UFRGS, Brasil)

Dennis Barrios Aranibar (Catholic San Pablo University, Perú)

Ariel Baya (CIFASIS, Argentina)

César Beltrán Castañón (UNSA/UCSM, Brasil)

Luciana Benotti (FaMAF - UNC, Argentina)

Luis  Berdún (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)

Flávia Cristina Bernardini (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil)

Andreia Bonfante (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Brasil)

Carlos  Brizuela (CICESE, México)

Facundo Bromberg (UTN-FRM, DHARMA, Argentina)

Maximiliano Budán (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Jessica Carballido (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Ana Casali (CIFASIS and FCEIA-UNR, Argentina)

Carlos Catania (ITIC, UNCuyo, CONICET, Argentina)

Laura Cecchi (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina)

Rocío Cecchini (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Carlos Iván Chesñevar (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

María Laura Cobo (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Andrea Cohen (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Alejandro Corbellini (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)

Omar Cortes (IFMA, Brasil)

Broderick  Crawford Labrin (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso,

Fernando Das Neves (Universidad Austral, Snoop Consulting, Argentina)

Jacinto Dávila (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela)

Álvaro de la Ossa Osegueda (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)

Cristhian Ariel Deagustini (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Leandro  Di Persia (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, Argentina)

Carlos Greg Diuk (Facebook, Estados Unidos)

Elena Durán (Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina)

Marcelo L. Errecalde (Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina)

Marcelo A. Falappa (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)

Diego Fernández Slezak (DC-UBA, CONICET, Argentina)

Edgardo Ferretti (Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina)

Matthias Gallé (Xerox Research, Francia)

Alejandro García (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Hector Geffner (ICREA & Universitat Pompeu Fabra, España)

Matias Gerard (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, Argentina)

Gustavo Giménez-Lugo (UTFPR, Brasil)

Lluis Godo (CSIC, España)

Daniela Godoy (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)

Juan Carlos Gómez (CIFASIS and FCEIA-UNR, Argentina)

Juan Gómez Romero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España)

Fabio González (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia)

María Paula Gonzalez (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Sebastián Gottifredi (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Pablo Granitto (CIFASIS, CONICET, Argentina)

María Gutiérrez (UTN, Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Argentina)

Francisco Hidrobo (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela)

Wagner Igarashi (UNIOESTE, Brasil)

Huei Lee (Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Unioeste, Brasil)

Isaac Lera (UIB, España)

Beatriz Lopez (Universitat de Girona, España)

Ana Carolina Lorena (ABC Federal University, Brasil)

Carlos Martín Lorenzetti (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Martín Marchetta (UNCUYO, Argentina)

Vanina Martinez (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Edson Melanda (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brasil)

Marcelo Mendoza (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile)

Efrén Mezura-Montes (Veracruz University, México)

Claudia Regina Milaré (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)

Diego Humberto Milone (Universidad Nacional del Litoral - CONICET,

Francisco Javier Montero (Universidad Complutense, España)

Ariel Monteserin (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)

Sergio Nesmachnow (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

Juan Matías Novas (FaMAF - UNC, Argentina)

Ernesto Ocampo Edye (Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay)

José Eduardo Ochoa Luna (Universidad Católica San Pablo, Brasil)

Ana Carolina Olivera (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral,

Elina Pacini (ITIC-UNCuyo, Argentina)

Hector Palacios (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España)

Soledad Pera (DCS, Boise State University, Estados Unidos)

Leticia M. Peres (Federal University of Paraná, Brasil)

Sebastián Pérez (UTN-FRM, DHARMA, Argentina)

Milton Pividori (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, Argentina)

Ignacio Ponzoni (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Eliseo Reategui (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil)

Diego Rodriguez (Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina)

Ricardo Rodriguez (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Aiala Rosá (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

Mariano Rubiolo (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, UTN-FRSF, Argentina)

Roberto Santana Hermida (Universidad del País Vasco, España)

Sebastian Sardiña (RMIT University, Australia)

Silvia Schiaffino (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)

Antonio Silva Sprock (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela)

Gerardo Simari (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Guillermo Ricardo Simari (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Mauricio Solar (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile)

Axel Soto (University of Manchester, Inglaterra)

Georgina Stegmayer (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, UTN, Argentina)

Luciano Tamargo (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)

Diego Tomassi (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, UNER, Argentina)

Gustavo Vazquez (Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay)

Marcela Vegetti (INGAR, UTN FRSF, Argentina)

Pablo Verdes (CIFASIS, CONICET, Argentina)

Leandro Vignolo (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, Argentina)

Cynthia Villalba (Facultad Politécnica, Universidad Nacional de Asunción,

Chung Wu (Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brasil)

Eduardo Xamena (Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina)

Virginia Yannibeli (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)

Alejandro Zunino (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)


Guillermo  Cabrera (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile)

Alfredo Candia (Universidad de Talca, Chile)

Carlos  Castro (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile)

Ricardo Corrêa (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Guillermo Durán (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Hugo Lara (UCLA, Venezuela)

Rodrigo Linfati (Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile)

Irene Loiseau (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Abilio Lucena (Universidade Federal do Río de Janeiro, Brasil)

Javier Marenco (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento y Universidad de
Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Cristian Martínez (Universidad de Salta, Argentina)

Antonio Mauttone (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

Isabel Méndez-Díaz (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Juan Miranda Bront (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Argentina)

Marcelo Mydlarz (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina)

Thiago Noronha (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil)

Fernando Paredes (Universidad Diego Portales, Chile)

Lorena Pradenas (Universidad de Concepción, Chile)

Pablo Rey (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

Pablo Rodríguez-Bocca (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

Pablo Romero (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

Ariel Sabiguero (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

Alexandre Salles Da Cunha (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil)

Daniel Severin (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)

Ricardo Soto (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile)

Nicolas Stier-Moses (Facebook, EEUU)

Maria Urquhart (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

Cynthia Villalba (Facultad Politécnica, Universidad Nacional de Asunción,

Contact Information:

For further information visit <http://www.clei2017-46jaiio.sadio.org.ar/>
www.clei2017-46jaiio.sadio.org.ar or send email to: asai2...@sadio.org.ar,
sio2...@sadio.org.ar, slioia2...@sadio.org.ar

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