Dear Colleagues,
(Apologies for cross-postings) Due to several requests, the submission
deadline for TMCV 2017 is being extended from 1st April 2017 to 20th April
2017. Please find below other submission details.

Tensor Methods in Computer Vision (TMCV), CVPR 2017 Workshop

Submission Deadline : April 20, 2017 (extended from 1st April 2017)

Tensors have been a crucial mathematical object for several applications in
computer vision and machine learning. It has been an essential ingredient
in modelling latent semantic spaces, higher-order data factorization, and
modelling higher-order information in visual data, and has found numerous
applications in several hot topics in computer vision including, but not
limited to human action recognition, object recognition, and video
understanding. Moreover, tensor-based algorithms are increasingly finding
significant applications in deep learning. With the rise of big data,
tensors may yet prove crucial in both understanding deep architectures, as
well as, may aid robust learning and generalization in inference
algorithms. This workshop aims at promoting discussions among researchers
investigating innovative tensor-based approaches to computer vision

In this workshop, we solicit original contributions that address a wide
range of theoretical and practical issues including, but not limited to:
* Tensor methods in deep learning
* Supervised learning in computer vision
* Riemannian geometry and SPD matrices
* Unsupervised feature learning and multimodal representations
* Tensors in low-level feature design
* Mid-level representations with tensor methods
* Low-rank factorisation methods and denoising approaches
* Latent topic models using tensor methods
* Tensors in optimization and dictionary learning
* Tensor hardware architectures
* Advancements in multi-linear algebra
* Applications of tensors for:
    ** image/video recognition
    ** object recognition
    ** scene understanding
    ** industrial and medical applications

Accepted papers will be allocated 5 minute spotlights and will appear in
the IEEE Workshop proceedings of CVPR 2017.

Workshop Details:
Workshop Schedule: 26th July 2017
CVPR’17 homepage:
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Important dates:
Submission Deadline : 20th of April, 2017
Decision to Authors    : 1st of May, 2017
Camera Ready           : 8th of May, 2017
TMCV Workshop        : 26th of July, 2017

Paper Formatting Guidelines:
Please follow the general submission guidelines available at
Please use the LaTeX templates available there with enabled ruler (review
mode). The papers can be at most 8 pages long. We allow papers from ArXiv
to be submitted if they had not appeared in proceedings of any other
conferences, unless they were less or equal to 4 pages in size. The review
process will be double-blind.

Paper Submission Site: https://cmt3.research.mi

Confirmed list of Speakers:
Dr. Andrzej Cichocki (Brain Science Institute RIKEN)
Prof. Animashree Anandkumar (University of California, Irvine)
Dr. Ivan Oseledets (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)
Dr. Lieven De Lathauwer (KU Leuven)
Dr. Lior Horesh (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and Columbia University)
Prof. Luc Florack (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Dr. M. Alex O. Vasilescu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Nadav Cohen (Hebrew University)
Prof. René Vidal (Johns Hopkins University)
Prof. Richard Hartley (Australian National University)

Organizing Committee:
Dr. Piotr Koniusz (Data61/Australian National University)
Dr. Anoop Cherian (Australian National University)
Prof. Fatih Porikli (Australian National University)

Best Regards,
Anoop, Piotr, and Fatih (organizers)

Research Fellow,
Australian Centre for Robotic Vision,
115 North Road,
Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia 2601
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