The Cognitive and Data Sciences lab <> in the Mathematics and Computer Science department at Rutgers University - Newark has multiple openings for postdoctoral researchers. The positions are supported by (multiple, separate) NSF and DARPA grants. Researchers interested in the intersection between human and machine learning, with expertise in probabilistic machine learning and/or pure and applied mathematics, are encouraged to apply. Specific experience with MCMC, gaussian processes, variational inference, and/or deep learning would be a positive, as would expertise in group theory, geometry, and/or topology. However, applications from individuals with other areas of expertise are also strongly encouraged.
The Cognitive and Data Sciences lab is comprised of 6 postdocs, 2 graduate students and 2 post-bac researchers spanning physics, mathematics, cognitive development, and vision science. We maintain close collaborations with pure mathematics, cognitive development, vision, and neuroscientists across the greater NYC area. Lab projects use virtual reality, Bayesian methods (including nonparametrics), and methods from pure mathematics to hack human perceptual, cognitive, and social learning. Specific goals include the development of modified reality and explainable AI. APPLICATION PROCESS: *Email Dr. Shafto as soon as possible* with a CV (including contact information for references), unofficial transcript, and short cover letter explaining why you are interested in and well-suited for the position: Expected start date would be summer 2017 or sooner. -- Patrick Shafto, PhD Henry Rutgers Term Chair in Data Science Director of the Graduate Program in Data Science Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science Institute for Data Science, Learning, and Applications (I-DSLA) Department of Psychology, Rutgers Business School, and Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, by courtesy Rutgers University - Newark <>
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