2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
Prague, Czech Republic, 3 - 6 September, 2017
Strict submission deadline: May 10, 2017
(FedCSIS on
FedCSIS an annual international multi-conference, this year organized
jointly by the Polish Information Processing Society (PTI), Poland
Section Computer Society Chapter and Czech Technical University in
Prague, in technical cooperation with the IEEE Region 8, IEEE
Chechoslovakia Section, IEEE Poland Section, IEEE Computer Society
Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics, IEEE Czechoslovakia
Section Computer Society Chapter, Poland Section (Gdansk) Computer
Society Chapter, IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Computational
Collective Intelligence, Poland Section Computational Intelligence
Society Chapter, ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing, Lodz
(Poland) ACM Chapter, Committee of Computer Science of Polish Academy of
Sciences, Polish Operational and Systems Research Society, Eastern
Cluster ICT Poland, Polish Cluster of Research and Development of
Internet of Things, Mazovia Cluster ICT.
Please feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues and
associates who could be interested in it.
The FedCSIS Multi-conference consists of Events (conferences, symposia,
workshops, dissemination events, special sessions). Each Event may run
over any span of time within the conference dates (from half-day to four
days). The FedCSIS Events provide a platform for bringing together
researchers, practitioners, and academia to present and discuss ideas,
challenges and potential solutions on established or emerging topics
related to research and practice in computer science and information
In the past, FedCSIS Proceedings have been published in IEEE DL and
indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science, SCOPUS, DBLP and other
indexing engines. FedCSIS organizers will endeavor the same, as well as
additional indexations for the 2017 Proceedings.
The FedCSIS multi-conference consists of EVENTS (conferences, workshops,
consortia, tutorials, etc.), grouped into seven conference areas.
* AAIA'17 - 12th International Symposium Advances in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications
--- AIMaVIG'17 - 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
in Machine Vision and Graphics
--- AIMA'17 - 7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Medical Applications
--- AIRIM'17 - 2nd International Workshop on AI aspects of Reasoning,
Information, and Memory
--- ASIR'17 - 7th International Workshop on Advances in Semantic
Information Retrieval
--- LTA'17 - 2nd International Workshop on Language Technologies and
--- WCO'17 - 10th International Workshop on Computational Optimization
* CSS - Computer Science & Systems
--- AIPC'17 - 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Image Processing
and Colorization
--- BigDAISy'17 - 1st Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Information
--- CANA'17 - 10th Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
--- C&SS'17 - 4th International Conference on Cryptography and Security
--- CPORA'17 - 2nd Workshop on Constraint Programming and Operation
Research Applications
--- MMAP'17 - 10th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications
and Processing
--- WAPL'17 - 6th Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages
--- WSC'17 - 9th Workshop on Scalable Computing
* iNetSApp - International Conference on Innovative Network Systems and
--- CAP-NGNCS'17 - 1st International Workshop on Communications
Architectures and Protocols for the New Generation of Networks and
Computing Systems
--- INSERT'17 - 1st International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Trust
--- IoT-ECAW'17 - 1st Workshop on Internet of Things - Enablers,
Challenges and Applications
--- SoFAST-WS'17 - 6th International Symposium on Frontiers in Network
Applications, Network Systems and Web Services
--- WSN'17 - 6th International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
* IT4MBS - Information Technology for Management, Business & Society
--- ABICT'17 - 8th International Workshop on Advances in Business ICT
--- AITM'17 - 15th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for
--- ISM'17 - 12th Conference on Information Systems Management
--- IT4L'17 - 5th Workshop on Information Technologies for Logistics
--- KAM'17 - 23rd Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management
--- TAMHE'17 - 1st Workshop on Technology Enhanced Medical and
Healthcare Education
--- UHH'17 - 3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Home Healthcare
--- WGSEE'17 - 1st Workshop on Gamification Software for Education and
* JAWS - Joint Agent-oriented Workshops in Synergy
--- ABC:MI'17 - 11th Workshop on Agent Based Computing: from Model to
--- MAS&S'17 - 11th International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and
--- SEN-MAS'17 - 5th International Workshop on Smart Energy Networks &
Multi-Agent Systems
* SSD&A - Software Systems Development & Applications
--- IoTM'17 - 1st Workshop on Internet of Things, Process Modelling and
--- IWCPS'17 - 4th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems
--- LASD'17 - 1st International Conference on Lean and Agile Software
--- MIDI'17- 4th Conference on Miltimedia, Interaction, Design and
--- SEW-37 - The 37th IEEE Software Engineering Workshop
* DS-RAIT'17 - 4th Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in Information
- Giancarlo Guizzardi, Professor of Computer Science, Free University of
Bolzano-Bozen, Italy and Senior Member of the Ontology and Conceptual
Modeling Research Group (NEMO), Brazil, Keynote title: Carving Reality
at its Digital Joints: The Role of Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling
in Next-Generation Information Systems Engineering
- Marjan Mernik, Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Keynote
title: Domain-Specific Languages: A Systematic Mapping Study
- Zbigniew Michalewicz, Chief Scientist, Complexica, Australia, Keynote
title: How to sell more at a higher margin
- Peter Palensky, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands,
Keynote title: Modeling and Simulation of Intelligent Electrical Power Grids
- Jan Vitek, Professor, Computer Science, Northeastern University, USA,
Keynote title: Data Analysis for the Masses
Papers should be submitted by May 10, 2017 (strict deadline). Preprints
will be published on a USB memory stick provided to the FedCSIS
participants. Only papers presented during the conference will be
submitted to the IEEE for inclusion in the Xplore Digital Library.
Furthermore, proceedings, published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN and DOI
numbers will posted at the conference WWW site. Moreover, most Events'
organizers arrange quality journals, edited volumes, etc. and may invite
selected extended and revised papers for post-conference publications
(information can be found at the websites of individual events).
- Paper submission: May 10, 2017 (strict deadline, there will be no
- Position paper submission: May 31, 2017
- Acceptance decision: June 14, 2017
- Final version of paper submission: June 28, 2017
- Final deadline for discounted fee: August 1, 2017
- Conference dates: September 3-6, 2017
Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki
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