Extended Deadline
***Electronic submission of full papers: February 20, 2017***

The Thirteenth International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction
(ADMI-17), Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 8, 2017

Held in conjunction with Sixteenth International Joint Conference on

Important dates:
- Electronic submission of full papers: February 20, 2017
- Notification of paper acceptance: March 15, 2017
- Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: March 20, 2017
- AAMAS-2017 workshop: May 8, 2017

The ADMI workshop provides a premier forum for sharing research and
engineering results, as well as potential challenges and prospects
encountered in
the respective communities and the coupling between agents and data mining.
The workshop welcomes theoretical work and applied dissemination aiming
to: (1) explore the integration of agents and data mining towards a
super-intelligent system; (2) discuss existing results, new problems,
and impact of integration of agent and data mining technologies (3)
identify challenges and directions for future research and development on
synergy between agents and data mining. Particularly, ADMI’17 will focus on
the theme, namely Data-driven Agent Systems, and concentrate on the
integration of emerging techniques like social computing, agent
behaviorally modeling, big data and cloud computing.

The workshop encourages submissions on, but not limited to:

1. Data-driven decision making and planning
2. Data-driven reasoning and learning
3. Data-driven agent interaction and coordination
4. Data-driven personalized agents
5. Deep learning for agent systems
6. Agent-based methods and tools for big data analysis
7. Applications of data-driven agent systems

Tentative Program:
- 1-2 Invited Talks
- Presentation of 10-12 competitively selected papers
- One Panel Discussion

Submission Instructions:
Please follow the Springer LNAI formats. Papers are to be submitted through
the EasyChair Conference System website EasyChair:

Workshop publication:
1. The ADMI-17 Proceedings will be published by Springer as a volume of
LNAI series.
2. The most ADMI “visionary paper” will be published by Springer in a book
under LNAI - Hot Topics series. The book will be a compilation of the most
visionary papers of the AAMAS-2017 Workshops.
3. The best ADMI workshop paper will be published by Springer in a book
under the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.
The book will be a compilation of the best papers of the AAMAS-2017
4. A number of selected papers will be recommended to a special issue in
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics.

Workshop General Co-Chairs:
- Philip S. Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Longbing Cao, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Workshop Program Co-Chairs:
- Yifeng Zeng, Teesside University, United Kingdom
- Yang Gao, Nanjing University, China
- Hao Wang, Nanjing University, China
- Yingke Chen, Sichuan University, China

Workshop Submission Chair:
- Zhang Zhang, Teesside University, United Kingdom

Supported by:
Agent-Mining Interaction and Integration Special Interest Group (AMII-SIG)

Primary Contact:
- Yifeng Zeng, Teesside University, United Kingdom
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