International Journal of Approximate Reasoning

Special issue on Probabilistic Logic Programming

Deadline: March 1, 2017

The 3rd PLP workshop was held on the 3rd of September 2016, in London,
UK, and was co-located with the 26th International Conference on
Inductive Logic Programming. We welcome submissions of
(improved/extended versions of) papers that were presented at the
workshop in London, as well as new submissions on all topics of the

Topics include but are not limited to:
   * probabilistic logic programming formalisms
   * parameter estimation
   * statistical inference
   * implementations
   * structure learning
   * reasoning with uncertainty
   * constraint store approaches
   * stochastic and randomised algorithms
   * probabilistic knowledge representation and reasoning
   * constraints in statistical inference
   * applications, such as
   * * bioinformatics
   * * semantic web
   * * robotics
   * probabilistic graphical models
   * answer set programming
   * Bayesian learning
   * tabling for learning and stochastic inference
   * MCMC
   * stochastic search
   * labelled logic programs
   * integration of statistical software

Guest Editors:
Arjen Hommersom (Open University of the Netherlands, a...@ou.nl)
James Cussens (University of York, UK, james.cuss...@york.ac.uk)

All submitted papers under this call will undergo the standard review
process of the journal. All papers should be submitted to IJAR website
http://ees.elsevier.com/ija/ and choose the Special Issue "VSI:Prob.
Log.  Program.".  All online submissions should follow the "Guide for
Authors" of the journal.

CFP of this special issue on Probabilistic Logic Programming:
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