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IEEE/ACM CHASE is a leading international conference in the field of connected health. It aims at bringing together researchers worldwide working in the smart and connected health area to exchange innovative ideas and develop collaborations. Connected health can be defined as the use of Internet, sensing, communications and intelligent techniques in support of health related Applications, Systems and Engineering. Connected health brings together multidisciplinary technologies to provide preventive or remote treatments by utilizing digital heath information structure such as body sensor networks and intelligent techniques such as from Data to Knowledge to Decisions, while at the same time connecting patient and caregivers seamlessly in the loop of the healthcare ecosystem. Future Connected health will be realized by providing rich medical information to each individual through replacing infrequent, clinic-based measurements with unobtrusive, continuous sensing, monitoring and assessment. Connected health technologies will enable preventive health and personalized medicine and may significantly reduce healthcare costs. However, a number of challenges still need to be addressed to enable connected health worldwide. Building upon the success of CHASE 2016, CHASE 2017 will be held in Philadelphia on July 17-19, 2017. Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit their original contributions covering completed or ongoing work related to the connected health area. IEEE CHASE positions itself as a venue for science and engineering researchers to publish their research and discovery, including those have potential to enable innovations but not yet ready for clinical study. The topics include but are not limited to: Applications • Public health and Home Monitoring • Healthcare Data processing, Data Analytics, Data mining • Medical imaging & Wearable Computing • Personalized Medicine & Preventive Treatment • Evolutionary and longitudinal patient and disease models • Security, privacy and trust for connected Health services/applications Systems • Biomedical Sensor Monitoring System • Integration of medical devices with wireless health • Body area networks • Implantable Sensor Networks • Remote Medical Diagnosis System • Communication System or Decision Support System design for connected health Engineering Technologies • Design of Wearable devices • Smart garments/textiles • Communication/network infrastructures, and protocols • Robotics for connected Health • Software, systems and performance engineering for Connected Health Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers in the following categories: • Regular papers: 8-10 pages. Max number of pages is 10. • Demo & Poster papers: up to 2 pages Submitted manuscripts should be single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references. See style templates for details http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html The authors of regular papers will deliver oral presentations. The authors of demo and poster papers will deliver system demonstrations and poster presentations, respectively. Presentation guideline for poster papers: The poster authors shall create their poster for the conference presentation. Only authors of the poster paper shall be presenters. The poster must be prepared based on the approved/accepted submission. The poster format must follow the following guidelines: • Poster size can be selected by authors. Typical sizes include A0, A1, 2 x 3 feet, and 3 x 4 feet. Poster board will be provided to hold the poster during the CHASEconference. The authors should choose appropriate size to present their works effectively. • Place your paper title, authors'names and authors'affiliation(s) at the top of the poster to allow conference attendees to find your paper easily. The title of your poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters. • Authors can have freedom to display their poster information in figures, tables, text, photographs. • The poster shall be prepared to convey information to audiences effective and should be structured by including the background of the research followed by results and conclusions. All accepted papers will be published by IEEE and indexed by IEEExplore. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Submitted papers must be neither previously published nor under review by another workshop, conference or journal. Only electronic submissions in PDF will be accepted. Submitted regular papers must be written in English, must be no longer than 10 pages in 10-point font, must render without error using standard PDF viewing tools, must print on US-Letter-sized paper, and must include the author names and affiliations on the first page. Important Dates Regular paper submission due January 8, 2017 Demo and poster paper submission due: March 31, 3027 Notification for regular papers: March 24, 2017 Notification for demo and poster papers: April 21, 2017 Camera ready papers: April 30th, 2017 TPC Co-Chairs: Mooi Choo Chuah, Lehigh University Insup Lee, UPenn Workshop Co-Chairs: Gang Zhou, College of Williams & Mary Oleg Sokolsky, UPenn Panel Chair Ching-Hua Chen, IBM Research Finance Chair Jiang Li, Howard Poster and Demo Track Chair Bin Wang, U of Connecticut Registration Chair Ye Sun, Michigan Technological University Publication Chair Kewei Sha, University of Houston Student Travel Award Chair Wenyao Xu, StonyBrook Webmaster Lanyu Xu, Wayne State University Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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