Postdoctoral position  on structure  learning of  transcription factor
network related to  heterosis in sunflower available at  the INRA MIAT
laboratory in France (near Toulouse).

The  MIAT  laboratory  is  seeking  a  highly-qualified post-doctoral
researcher to work on a project assessing transcription factor network
controlling heterosis  of gene expression in  sunflower.  Heterosis is
used  by natural  selection  and  mankind to  adapt  plant and animal
organisms  to new  environments or  needs.  However,  the genetic and
molecular bases of heterosis are still poorly known. This project aims
to study the role of transcription factor regulations in the heterosis
of  gene expressions.  For this  purpose,  the data  consists in gene
expressions  of sunflower  on two  genetic designs  with one  over 400
hybrids and their associated genotypes.

The main  objective of this  post-doctoral appointment will be  to (i)
select  transcripts  whose  expression  in  hybrids  is significantly
superior  to the  parental  mean, (ii)  collect transcription factors
homologous  to known  TF  in  Arabidopsis, and  (iii)  infer the gene
regulatory  network  of heterosis  between  TFs  and target  genes by
exploiting gene expressions and genotyping data, following a genetical
genomics   approach  using   state-of-the-art  statistical structure
learning methods.

The successful candidate should hold a  PhD with a solid background in
statistics  or   computer  science,   and  also  have   experience in
biostatistics, bioinformatics, or  machine learning. Excellent written
and spoken skills  in English are a  must. The project is  part of the
“Investment      for       the      Future“       SUNRISE program
(http://www.sunrise-project.fr/en/). The  successful candidate  will
join  a  group  of  three   scientists  working  on  the  project and
approximately   ten   scientists    working   on   biostatistics and

The appointment is for 2 years, with a provisional start date of March
2017. Basic gross salary ranges from  3500€ to 3800€ (approx. 2300€ to
2500€ net salary) depending on years of experience.

Candidates that are eligible to  apply for an AgreenSkills+ fellowship
could benefit  from attractive  conditions that include  monthly gross
salaries, ranging  from 4800€ to  5500€, if their project  proposal is
successful. To  find out more  about the  program and whether  you are
able  to   apply  for   an  AgreenSkills+  fellowship,   please visit
http://www.agreenskills.eu/ (program finishes in May 2019)

A dynamic  city in  the South-West  of France  famous for  its natural
beauty  and rich  history, with  about 100,000  students, Toulouse is
among the ten fastest growing urban economies in Europe.

Please send your  CV, cover letter, and (2-3) letters  of reference to
simon.de-gi...@inra.fr before *February 3rd 2017*
Object: sunrise post-doctoral application

Simon de Givry
24 chemin de Borde Rouge
BP 52627

Allouche  D.,  C. Cierco,  S.  de  Givry,  G. Guillermin,  B. Mangin,
T. Schiex, J.  Vandel, and M. Vignes. A Panel  of Learning Methods for
the Reconstruction of  Gene Regulatory Networks in  a Systems Genetics
Context. Gene Network Inference, Springer, 2014.


Simon de Givry          simon.de-gi...@inra.fr
UR875 Unité de Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées de Toulouse
Tel: 05 61 28 50 74           Fax: 05 61 28 53 35

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