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ACM Transactions on Interactive
Intelligent Systems (TiiS)
*Special Issue on Interactive Visual Analysis of Human and Crowd Behaviors*

Guest Editors
Nan Cao <nan....@gmail.com>, TongJi University, Shanghai, China
Yu-Ru Lin <yurul...@gmail.com>, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA


The continuous growth and adoption of communication, mobility, and sensing
technologies have spurred human data proliferation from a large number of
diverse data sources, which has offered unprecedented opportunities to
study human behaviors and their relationships to various types of systems
and services. The analysis of human behaviors has impacted many domains,
ranging from business, health, security, to education and disaster
management. For example, marketers analyze website traffic data for
behavioral insights to identify potential marketing targets, while
healthcare providers augment clinical data with patients' social networking
behavior to improve health plans and clinical outcomes. While many
statistical techniques have been developed, people often find them
insufficient to provide behavioral insights, especially into how
individuals or crowds will behave and why, because behavioral context is
missing from most statistical analyses. Interactive visual analytic systems
that couple interaction design with data analysis, and show analytic
results with behavioral context have provided new ways to overcome the
challenge. This special issue aims at featuring recent progress and new
results in this emerging area.

*Scope, Description, and More Information*

This special issue invites submissions featuring original research relating
to interactive visual analysis of human and crowd behavior. A suitable
submission must also demonstrate its relevance to the TiiS journal by
exhibiting the two defining characteristics of an interactive intelligent
system: intelligence and interactivity. The topics of interest include, but
are not limited to:

   - New visual analytics coupling human interaction and machine learning
   - New system and design for supporting behavioral analysis, e.g.,
   summarizing behavior patterns, detecting behavior anomalies, etc.
   - New system and design for human and social behavioral applications,
   e.g., disaster response and management, health analytics, smart city, etc.
   - Evaluation framework for assessing the effectiveness and utility of
   new systems
   - Design processes for developing interactive visual analysis of human
   - Interactive social network analysis (i.e., analysis users' social
   interaction behaviors)
   - Interactive visual analysis of collective / ego centric social
   - Interactive visual analysis of crowd's mobility patterns
   - Interactive visual analysis of egocentric behaviors
   - Interactive visual analysis of users' sentiments and emotions


   - Full paper submission deadline: January 15th, 2017
   - First author notification: April 15th, 2017
   - Revised paper due: July 15th, 2017
   - Final author notification: August 30, 2017
   - Expected publication: Winter 2017

Please see tiis.acm.org/authors.cfm
for author information and submission details. For further information,
please contact the Guest Editors.


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