Dear Colleague,
AAI Public Short Course - 'Data Mining - Stage 2 (Intermediate)' – Friday 9 December 2016 Data Mining – Stage 2 is an intermediate level learning for Stage 1 completed attendees and or attendees already with basic Data Mining skills wishing to refresh and further develop their skills. Part of a two (2) stage Program this short course brings together further in-depth state-of-the-art research and practical techniques in data mining, providing students with the necessary knowledge to appreciate data mining projects and to professionally communicate with analytics experts. This program is particularly useful for All those involved in Data Mining for their organisation: * Industry Practitioners wanting to get into data mining * Managers wanting to know what data mining is about * Students, Researchers, Academic Program topics 1) Introduction to machine learning, fundamentals of data pre-processing + Exercises (KNIME). 2) Linear Regression and Introduction to Bayesian Approach: Naive Bayes + Exercises (KNIME). 3) Decision Tree classifier and introduction to ensemble classifier: Random Forest + Exercises (KNIME). 4) Competition (KNIME). Course outcomes Upon completion of this course students will: * Apply an industry standard analytics life cycle methodology for data mining and pattern discovery * Understand key terms and concepts in data mining * interpret, synthesis and communication insight extracted from analytics in a context-appropriate manner Please register here for 'Data Mining - Stage 2 (Intermediate)' – Friday 9 December 2016 An important intermediate short course in the AAI series of advanced data analytic short courses – please view this short course and others here AAI Education and Training Short Courses Survey - you may be interested in completing our AAI Survey at We are happy to discuss at your convenience. Thank you and regards. Colin Wise Education Manager Faculty of Engineering & IT The Advanced Analytics Institute [Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:6438A32F-46D0-4C0F-843B-F09D838966AA] University of Technology, Sydney Blackfriars Campus Building 2, Level 1 Tel. +61 2 9514 9267 M. 0448 916 589 Email:<> AAI:<> AAI Email Policy – should you wish to not receive this periodic communication on Data Analytics Learning please reply to our email (to sender) with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject. We will delete you from our database. Thank you for your past and future support. Short Courses Calendar Please note that these are professional development opportunities. 2016 START DATE PROGRAM DETAILS & BOOKINGS Friday 9 December Data Mining - Stage 2 (Intermediate) Register<> Short Courses Calendar Please note that these are professional development opportunities. 2017 START DATE PROGRAM DETAILS & BOOKINGS Friday 10 February Advanced Data Analytics – an Introduction Register<> Friday 24 February R Programming – Stage 1 (Introduction) Register<> Friday 10 March MATLAB - Stage 1 (Introduction) Register<> Friday 24 March R Programming Stage 2 (Intermediate) Register<> Tuesday 4 April Data Mining – Stage 1 (Introduction) Register<> Friday 28 April R Programming Stage 3 (Advanced) Register Friday 12 May Text Analytics and Sentiment Analysis – an Introduction Register Friday 26 May Probability and Statistics – Stage 1 (Introduction) Register Friday 9 June Data Visualisation Register<> Friday 23 June Cloud Computing – an Introduction Register Friday 14 July Machine Learning Register Friday 28 July Recommendation System – an Introduction Register UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F DISCLAIMER: This email message and any accompanying attachments may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states them to be the views of the University of Technology Sydney. Before opening any attachments, please check them for viruses and defects. Think. Green. Do. Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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