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*** I-SPAN-2017 and FCST-2017 International Conferences Call for Workshops and Special Sessions *** The 14th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN 2017) http://cse.stfx.ca/~ISPAN2017/ The 11th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST-17) http://cse.stfx.ca/~FCST2017/ To be held in Exeter, England, UK, 21-23 June 2017. CALL FOR WORKSHOPS and SPECIAL SESSIONS ======================================= General Information: International Conferences (I-SPAN-2017 and FCST-2017) invite proposals for Workshops (WS) and Special Sessions (SS) to be held in conjunction with the conferences. The aim is to provide researchers in focused areas the opportunity to present and discuss their work, as well as to offer a forum for interaction among a broader community of researchers related to the main topics of the conferences. The papers will be required to meet the same standards as the main conference papers and will be published in the conference proceedings, available on IEEE Xplore. Normally, an SS should contain 4 or more papers, and a WS should contain 2 or more sessions (8 or more papers). The organizers of the SS/WS are encouraged to make a plan for post conference special issues in some high-quality international journals. Proposal submission: Please send the WS/SS proposals (in PDF format) to Dr. J. Hu (Email: jia...@gmail.com<mailto:jia...@gmail.com> ) by 15 December 2016 with the following information: 1. Title and acronym of the WS/SS 2. General description of the WS/SS 3. Objectives, scope, and topics of the WS/SS 4. Names, contacts, and short profiles of the organizers 5. (optional) Plan for post conference special issue * Journal name * Contact of the guest editors General rules for the organizers: The organizers will be responsible for the advertisement and promotion of the WS/SS and the conference. The organizers and chairs of the workshop shall have full control on the call for papers, forming of program committees, review and selection of papers as well as planning the workshop program. Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). At least one of the authors of any accepted paper is requested to register the paper at the conference. One complimentary registration will be given to the leading chair of each workshop or special session with more than 15 registered papers. Important Dates: WS/SS Proposal: 15 December 2016 WS/SS Notification: Within two weeks after receiving a proposal Submission of papers: 1 March 2017 (could be extended to 22 March 2017) Notification of acceptance: 22 April 2017 Camera-ready papers: 15 May 2017 Early-bird registration: 15 May 2017 Conference: 21-23 June 2017
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