IEA/AIE 2017: Special Track on Applications of Argumentation

Submissions deadline: 23rd November 2016

We invite submissions of the latest research results concerning
applications and theory of computational argumentation to the Special
Track on Applications of Argumentation at the 30th International
Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied
Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE
http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/ieaaie2017/ ).

Authors are invited to submit their papers in English of up to 10 single
spaced pages. Shorter works, up to 6 pages, may be submitted as short
papers representing work in progress or suggesting possible research

All paper submissions will be done electronically, using Easychair
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieaaie2017 .

All papers will be peer reviewed and final copies of papers for
inclusion to the conference proceedings will be published in a bound
volume by Springer-Verlag (formatting instructions are available at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ) in their Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence series.

The option of organizing a special issue on a journal is under

Topics include, but are not limited to:
Decision making based on argumentation
Argumentation in agent and multi-agent systems
Argumentation for coordination and coalition formation
Argumentation-based negotiation
Argumentation, trust and reputation
Argumentation and human-computer interaction
Systems for learning through argument
Implementation of argumentation systems
Tools for supporting argumentation
Argumentation and narrative
Argumentation and computational linguistics
Argument mining
Analogical argumentation
Formal, semi-formal and informal models for argumentation
Traditional and ranked-based semantics
Dialogue based on argumentation
Strategies in argumentation
Argumentation and game theory
Argumentation and probability
Computational properties of argumentation
Reasoning about action and time with argumentation

Important dates:
Submissions: 23rd November 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 15th January 2017
Conference: 27th-30th June 2017, in Arras, France

Special Track Co-chairs
Richard Booth (Cardiff University)
Federico Cerutti (Cardiff University)
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