Call for Companies, Research Organizations and Universities to Participate in ACM SIGAI CNC Northeastern University, Boston MA, Oct 19-20, 2016.
SIGAI is building on the inaugural Career Network Conference in 2015 and successful AAAI/SIGAI job fairs at AAAI 2015 and 2016 in organizing CNC 2016 ( The conference will feature talks and posters from more than 30 soon-to-graduate Ph.D. students and postdocs working in AI, as well as panel discussions with seasoned researchers in academia and industry. It is a great venue to get a good sense of what is going on at the leading edge of AI research, and talks and posters are structured to be of significantly greater breadth than at a typical conference. CNC is also a great place for students and professionals looking for internships or jobs to meet with representatives from companies and academia. The conference will include a "job fair" where all attendees from hiring organizations will have the opportunity to introduce their organization and its job opening(s) for one minute to the entire audience, and there will be an explicit "meet and greet" event scheduled where representatives will have marked, designated spaces candidates on the job market can find them. There will also be many chances to mingle, informally and over meals, receptions, and poster sessions. If you are representing a company, research organization or university and would like to participate in the job fair, please send an email with your contact information to Sanmay Das (<>) as soon as possible (even before registering). We will then send you instructions to help you advertise your job openings best at the conference. We also encourage students, including those who are not on the job market, to attend CNC. Student registration is economical, priced at marginal cost, and students who attended in 2015 found that the event was very useful in learning about the job market and what is going on in the field.
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