==== (sorry for cross postings) ====

Call for chapters

Personal Assistants: Emerging Technologies

Intelligent Systems Reference Library


It has been shown that the quality of life for people remaining in their
own homes is generally better than for those who are institutionalized.
Moreover, the cost for institutional care can be much higher than the cost
of care for a patient at home. To balance this situation, efforts must be
made to move the services and care available in institutions to the home
environment. Thus, society poses new challenges, demanding systems that
overcome this issue.
Personal Assistants (PA) are a relatively new concept, advancing the
Cognitive Orthotics concept that is only focused on direct assistance, to
people with cognitive or physical disabilities, and expanding the area to
include complex platforms that include sensors, actuators, monitoring
abilities and decision processes.
PA is an area containing technologies such as cognitive assistants,
multi-agent systems, robotics and applications (such as e-health and
e-learning), among others. Essentially, PA is focused on people and their
disabilities, providing tools that best fit them using personalization
methods. They have been typically developed:
- to perceive the intrinsic mechanisms of human cognition such as
reasoning, learning, memorizing, acting and adapting;
- to discover the thought process leading to each decision;
- to build systems that can emulate those thought processes and make
decisions or suggestions.
The Ambient Assisted Living has been prolific in providing solutions to
assist the user. However, the personalization has not been widely addressed
and it is necessary to have customized systems to properly respond to
users' expectations. Thus, the unification of the human computer
interaction is essential to offer a more natural way of engaging with its
users and translate desires to actions.
PA can range from a medication reminder to a messaging system that connects
its users with their relatives. New developments like the IOT (Internet of
Things) and the increasing amount of computing power that handheld devices
have allowed the development of environments that were until now
unavailable through embedded systems. Therefore, there are a lot of
implementation options open for development on this area.
This book is intended to provide an overview of the research being carried
out in the interdisciplinary area of personal assistants and cognitively
inspired systems. Chapters presenting theoretical and applied research
contribution in the field are welcome.

Key topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Agent & Multiagent Systems for AmI
- Ambient Assisted Living
- Ambient Intelligence
- Applications
- Artificial Intelligence for AmI
- Cognitive Assistants
- Context Aware Computing
- Data protection and privacy
- Domotics (Home Automation)
- Evaluation of Personal Assistants
- Evolutionary Computation
- Ethics and Legal Issues
- Intelligent Systems
- Knowledge Discovery and Acquisition
- Memory Assistants
- Mobile Computing
- Robotics
- Spatial Cognition and Computation
- Ubiquitous Computing

The chapters submitted to the Personal Assistants: Emerging Technologies
will be published on the Springer Intelligent Systems Reference Library
edition http://www.springer.com/series/8578 (SJR Q3).
Submissions to the special issue must include original research. Papers
must be new and have not been published or submitted to other sources.

Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the "Guide for
Authors" available at the Springer homepage: Latex -
Word -

The number of pages should be between 15 to 20.

All submissions should be done via Email to one of the editors:

Deadline for chapter submission: December 15th, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 2017
Tentative publication date: July, 2017

Angelo Costa
University of Minho

Vicente Julian
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Paulo Novais
University of Minho

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