It is with great pleasure that we announce thesecond meeting organized by 
Tunisian Operational Research Society TORS. Thissociety aims to share and 
exchange knowledge in the field of operationalresearch and to promote 
collaborations and interactions between researchers andindustrials. This 
meeting will take place in Sousse, Tunisia, on December16-18, 2016.  It covers 
research issuesin the operational research and decision aid fields involving 
recenttheoretical developments and real applications.The scope of TORS 2016 
includes,but is not limited to:    -         Continuous, discrete and 
stochasticoptimization,    -         Graphs and networks,    -         
Simulation, Learning and Statistical methods,    -         Artificial 
Intelligence, Fuzzy Systems andComputing,    -         Analytics, Data Science 
and Data Mining,    -         Heuristics and Metaheuristics,    -         
Multiple-Criteria Decision Making andOptimization,    -         Decision 
Analysis, Decision Support Systems,DEA and Performance Measurement,    -        
 Production Management and Supply ChainManagement,    -         Routing, 
Location, Logistics and Transportation,    -         Recent applications in OR. 
SUBMISSION DETAILSAll submitted abstracts (at most 500 words)should be written 
in English. They should clearly include: title, briefabstract, list of 
key-words, author(s) full name(s), affiliation(s), completeaddress(es), and 
e-mail address(es). Please state the name of the contactperson. The submission 
should be conducted via the Submission page of the following link:
PRACTICALITIESThe conference will feature parallel sessionsand plenary 
sessions. Each contributed talk will be allocated 15 minutes up to20 minutes, 
followed by a few minutes for the discussion. 
IMPORTANT DATESSubmission of abstracts: September 25, 2016.Acceptance 
notification: October 15, 2016.Early registration: October 29, 2016.
Selected abstracts among thosepresented in the conference will be considered as 
potential full-paperpublications, subject to peer reviews, in “International 
Journal of OperationalResearch” (Guest editor: Nesrine Halouani).



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