Dear all,
Paper submission due has been extended!! If you are still interested
in submitting your paper, please submit your paper. 

                                   [CALL FOR PAPERS]

     2nd European Workshop on Chance Discovery and Data Synthesis (EWCDDS16)
                                     in ECAI2016


                                 29--30 Aug, 2016

                         den Haag (the Hague), Netherlands

Session Themes: [Chance Discovery: Synthesis and Curation of Chance]
Since our definition in 2000, Chance Discovery is the discovery of chance, 
rather than discovery by chance. A ``chance" here means a new event/situation 
that can be conceived either as an opportunity or as a risk in the future. 
The ``discovery" of chances is of crucial importance since it may have a 
significant impact on human decision making. Desirable effects of 
opportunities should be actively promoted, whereas preventive measures should 
be taken in the case of discovered risks. In other words, chance discovery 
aims to provide means for inventing or surviving the future, rather than 
simply predicting the future. 
This workshop will discuss several problems in Chance Discovery. As shown, 
Chance Discovery is a research to study how to discover rare or novel events 
causing potentially significant situation. Although the event itself could not 
be significant. A chance might be computationally or manually discovered. 
Thus, advanced computational techniques such as abduction and induction 
(including data mining) could be applied to Chance Discovery. In addition, 
personalised and very traditional (sometimes, manual) data mining method 
could also be effective in Chance Discovery. We have discussed limitations 
of conventional data mining methods. And many new computational methods, and 
concepts and mechanisms of human discovery have been proposed. In the contexts,
 we have discussed how to discover and suggest events causing significant but 
hidden events. Our common understandings are that we deal with events in the 
real world, therefore, we need to have knowledge about movement in a society, 
behaviour of people, as well as computational methods. In addition, it is 
important to discuss effective chance evaluation, selection, and suggestion 
methods. It would be a gate for fantastic and innovative applications. Thus, 
we would like to discuss from logical, computational, cognitive, sociological, 
economical and psychological viewpoints. From the rather different viewpoint, 
we would also like to discuss ``curation'' of chance. Traditionally, curation 
is not only concerned with long-term care of books, paintings or other 
artefacts. It is also about maintaining their integrity and enabling and 
promoting their availability to appropriate audiences (Lord, P and MacDonald, 
A.: e-Science Curation Report (2003)), i.e., an aspect for information 
synthesis. As shown above, for chance discovery, we have focused on strategies 
to discover rare or novel events and those to present hints of chance to users.
 In addition, by curation, we add a more active action to chance discovery, 
which, for instance, curators usually struggle to explicitly or implicitly 
express extended or hidden meanings (values) to potential audiences.
By introducing these new concepts ---chance synthesis and curation, we can go 
beyond what we called chance discovery--- reach creating and re-organization 
of chances, not in our previous application fields such as product 
designs/marketing but also the design of peaceful and prosperous society to 
live in.
In addition, we would like to discuss how to create and design the market 
where data are reasonably dealt with, i.e., sold, opened free, or shared 
after negotiation. Our ultimate goal is to have each people on the earth feel 
free to share one's own data with others without fearing of the loss of 
business opportunities. In order to make a social environment where analysts 
and decision makers in active businesses and sciences can be provided with 
data they need, in this workshop we also aim to (re)design an environment 
called the Market of Data, where each user or provider of data can understand 
the value of each part of data so that one can buy/sell it for a reasonable 
price. Here, the value of each part of data shall be visualized to aid users' 
considering its possible contribution to promoting/creating businesses and 
scientific findings. This can be regarded as a new type chance synthesis.

Topics to be discussed (will not be restricted to):
---Decisions by synthesis of information
        Methods and processes for synthesizing evidences for/by chance 
        Data synthesis by integration of computational and manual methods for 
data analysis. 
---Basic and theoretical issues
        Cognitive factors in chance discovery and synthesis of information.
        Logical formalization for discovering chances and synthesizing pieces 
of information. 
---Data analysis and data mining
        Analyses of complex systems (society, community etc.) involving human 
        Methodologies and models for foretelling next trends, for discovering 
rare/novel events, and for noticing/evaluating the significance of events. 
    New directions in chance discovery
        Curation of chances: methodologies for suggesting and exhibiting 
        Creations and innovations by extending or applying Chance Discovery.
        Business/daily-life applications of Chance Discovery.
        Market of Data
            Data collection and consruction.
            Determination and visualization of value of data. 

Important date:
    17 June, 2016: Due date for full workshop papers
    by 4 July, 2016: Notification of paper acceptance to authors
    25 July, 2014: Camera-ready of accepted papers (for USB publication)
    5 July, 2016: Early registration deadline
    TBA, 2016: Late registration deadline
    18 or 19 Aug, 2014: Workshop date 

Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 6 pages in the ECAI2016 
conferene paper format 
Papers can be submitted to Akinori Abe ( and 
Yukio Ohsawa(

All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, novelty, 
originality, significance, soundness and clarity. At least three referees 
will review each submission independently.

Accepted papers will be uploaded on this web site. The workshops papers will 
not be included in the proceedings of ECAI, however, probably ECAI2016 will 
be able to add them to the conference USB stick.
After the workshop, we would like to publish a book including revised and 
extended version of workshop papers.

Akinori Abe
    Faculty of Letters, Chiba University/Dwango Artificial Intelligence 
    1-33 Yayoicho, Inageku, Chiba 263-8522, JAPAN 
Yukio Ohsawa 
    The University of Tokyo 
    7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656 JAPAN 
Lorenzo Magnani 
    Graduate and Postgraduate Studies in Philosophy 
    Department of Humanities, Philosophy Section 
    University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Program Committee:
        David Bergner (USA)
        Lorenzo Magnani (Italy)
        Peter McBurney (UK)
        Shusaku Tsumoto (Japan)
        Katsuyoshi Yada (Japan)

Special information:
    After the workshop, we would like to organize a special issue in a certain 
    journal including revised and extended version of selected workshop papers.

New and updated information can be obtained from

Previous Workshops on Chance Discovery and related themes:

International Workshop on Chance Discovery, Data Synthesis and Data Market in 
Workshop on Designing the Market of Data --- for Synthesizing Data in Sciences 
and Businesses (MoDAT) in ICDM2014
Workshop on Designing the Market of Data --- for Synthesizing Data in Sciences 
and Businesses (MoDAT) in ICDM2013
1st European Workshop on Chance Discovery and Data Synthesis (EWCDDS12) in 
6th Int'l Workshop on Chance Discovery in IJCAI2011
5th Int'l Workshop on Chance Discovery in ICDM2010
4th Int'l Workshop on Chance Discovery in ICML2005
First European Workshop on Chance Discovery (EWCD-04) in ECAI2004
3rd Int'l Workshop on "Chance Discovery and Its Management" in HCI 2003 
2ndInt'l Workshop on Chance Discovery (CDWS2) in PRICAI2002
International Workshop on Chance Discovery in JSAI 2001 

Akinori Abe, Yukio Ohsawa, and Lorenzo Magnani 
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