Call for Chapters
Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE). Methods, tools,
and case studies. (tentative title)
# Deadlines (tentative)
Chapter proposals: 2016-06-17
Notification: 2016-07-08
Chapters full text: 2016-09-16
Reviews due: 2016-11-04
Fixed versions due: 2016-12-16
2nd round revs: 2017-01-27
Camera ready: 2017-02-10
# Introduction
Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) have been successfully developed in
various domains based on techniques and tools from Knowledge Engineering
(KE). The classic KE approach to system modeling uses mostly logic-based
symbolic knowledge representation methods, which are more specific from
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a broad sense, that has recently
included Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques. Most of the
implementations of today KBS are software-based and thus Software
Engineering (SE) methods and tools play an important role in their
development. Moreover, recent developments in SE emphasize the
importance of the use of formalized symbolic representations in the
software development process. This stimulates the synergy between KE
methods and SE methods and tools.
Recently, declarative software engineering techniques have been
established in many areas, such as knowledge systems, logic programming,
programming for the Semantic Web and Linked data, business rules as well
as business processes.
Results in these topics were presented for over 10 years in the KESE
workshop series During the years 2005-2014 ten
very successful and fruitful editions of KESE were organized.
Originally, the workshop was created by Dietmar Seipel and Joachim
Baumeister (Uni. Wuerzburg) and then co-chaired and developed by
Grzegorz J. Nalepa (AGH UST) and Joachim Baumeister. The workshop was
originally hosted on the KI - the German AI conference, and later on
traveled to CAEPIA - the Spanish AI conference, and finally the ECAI
conference. Together we built a vibrant international community.
# Objective
The primary objective of this edited book is to gather and present
research results of researchers and practitioners from fields of KE and
SE. This includes, but is by no means restricted to the topics presented
in the original KESE workshop series. Moreover the books endeavors to
promote the use of KE techniques in SE problems, where significant
benefits can be derived from their use. The general goal is to show how
the KE techniques can provide practical solutions in SE issues. Further
interest is on the influence of SE methods and tools on the practical
design of KBS within KE. The intention is to give ample space for
presenting important achievements and research results as well as share
knowledge about practical experiences and systems. The mission of this
book is promoting the cross-fertilization of KE methods in SE and vice
# Topics of Interest
Topics to be covered by the book stem from the original workshop topics.
They are generally related to the applications of symbolic KE techniques
in SE as well as the use of KE in the SE practice. Specific topic the
areas include, but are not limited to, the ones listed below:
* Knowledge and software engineering for the Semantic Web
* Knowledge and software engineering for Linked Data
* Ontologies in practical knowledge and software engineering
* Business systems modeling, design and analysis using KE and SE
* Practical knowledge representation and discovery techniques in
software engineering
* Context and explanation in intelligent systems
* Knowledge base management in KE systems
* Evaluation and verification of KBS
* Practical tools for KBS engineering
* Process models in KE applications
* Software requirements and design for KBS applications
* Software quality assessment through formal KE models
* Declarative, logic-based, including constraint programming
approaches in SE
# Target Audience
Scientifically this book intends to disseminate new knowledge useful to
promote the use of KE methods in SE and SE methods in KE. It is expected
that this book can induce an impact on both communities bringing a set
of new and innovative solutions. The target audience of this book will
be composed of professionals and researchers working in the fields of KE
using SE tools but also software engineers building knowledge-based
applications and systems.
# Submission
We expect submissions from researchers and practitioners from the areas
of KE and SE.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a chapter proposal
of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and contents of
the proposed chapter. The proposal are to be submitted in PDF through
We are strongly interested in methodological chapters, including surveys
of important areas of state of the art. Moreover, so we encourage the
submission of chapters containing practical results and system
descriptions that clearly show the interaction between knowledge
engineering and software engineering research. The methodological or
practical character of the chapter should be emphasized in the proposal.
Authors will be notified about the status of their proposals and sent
chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted then. All
submitted chapters will be reviewed. Contributors may also be requested
to serve as reviewers for this project. We expect chapters of roughly
20-30 pages in the Springer format
Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts
submitted to this book publication. All manuscripts are accepted based
on a peer review editorial process.
# Publisher
The book will be published by Springer. The final Springer series will
be established based on the chapter proposals. It will be a well-visible
series indexed in the ISI Book Citation Index.
The authors will be notified about the decision together with the
acceptance of the proposal.
# Editors
Grzegorz J. Nalepa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland,
Joachim Baumeister, denkbares GmbH, University of Wuerzburg, Germany,
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