[Apologies for multiple postings.]

*** Final submission deadline: May 31, 2016 ***

European Intelligence & Security Informatics Conference (EISIC 2016)
The Premier European Conference on Counterterrorism and Criminology
Uppsala, Sweden, August 17-19, 2016

 Call for Papers
Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) is an interdisciplinary
field of research that focuses on the development, use, and evaluation
of advanced information technologies, including methodologies, models
and algorithms, systems, and tools, for local, national, and
international security related applications. Over the past decade, the
ISI research community has matured and delivered an impressive array
of research results that are both technically innovative and
practically relevant. The 2016 European ISI Conference is the seventh
ISI conference to be organized by the European ISI community. The
conference was first held in 2008, and has been organized annually
since 2011.

ISI conferences provide stimulating forums for gathering people from
previously disparate communities including those from academia,
government, and industry. We invite academic researchers from the ISI
community as well as related areas to contribute to EISIC 2016 which
will be held in Uppsala, Sweden, in August 2016.

Research should be relevant to protection of
local/national/international security and safety, including
applications focusing on counterterrorism, crisis management, disaster
prevention, cybercrime, etc.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

1. Tools and Techniques for Analyzing Data
    - Web-based intelligence monitoring, mining, and analysis
    - Intelligence-related knowledge discovery
    - Computer or cybercrime investigations and digital forensics
    - Crime/intelligence information sharing and visualization
    - Cybercrime detection and analysis
    - Authorship analysis and identification
    - Privacy, security, and civil liberties issues
    - Information operations

2. Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Response
    - Cyber-infrastructure design and protection
    - Intrusion detection
    - Bio-terrorism tracking, alerting, and analysis
    - Transportation and communication infrastructure protection
    - Border/transportation safety
    - Emergency response and management
    - Disaster prevention, detection, and management

3. Terrorism Informatics
    - Terrorism related analytical methodologies and software tools
    - Terrorism knowledge portals and databases
    - Social network analysis (radicalization, recruitment, conducting
    - Lone wolf terrorism
    - Countering terrorism

4. Computational Criminology
    - Crime pattern recognition and modeling tools
    - Crime generators and crime attractors
    - Forecasting crime and its impact
    - Drug, gang, and special crime analysis and modeling tools
    - Data mining and data fusion of crime urban databases

5. Decisioning and Interaction
    - Visualization
    - Visual analytics systems
    - Interactive decision support
    - Analytical reasoning systems
    - Multimedia information systems

6. Internet of Things and Security
    - Resilience and security in IoT applications
    - Privacy and integrity aspects related to IoT
    - Detection, prevention, response and mitigation of cyber threats
      to IoT
    - Threat models and IoT

7. Border Control
    - Authentication
    - Risk assessment of travelers
    - Modeling of border control processes
    - Surveillance and situational awareness
    - Technology impact, acceptance, and integration

 Types of Submissions
Full papers, short papers, and posters.

 Important Dates
- Paper submission due: May 31, 2016 <- DEADLINE EXTENDED
- Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2016
- Camera ready paper due: July 1, 2016
- Authors registration due: July 1, 2016
- Conference: August 17-19, 2016

General Chairs
- Lisa Kaati, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Tove Gustavi, FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden

Program Chairs
- Joel Brynielsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Fredrik Johansson, FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden
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