We are pleased to announce the First Summer School on Rough Sets: Decision Making, Data Mining, Knowledge Representation <http://www.unimib.it/open/news/Summer-School-on-Rough-Sets_-Decision-Making-Data-Mining-Knowledge-Representation/7614670088591420122>
25-29 July, 2016 University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy The first Summer School on Rough Sets is organized in collaboration with the International Rough Set Society. The school’s aim is to introduce PhD students and researchers at the early stages of their career to the Rough Set field. Rough Sets were introduced in the early ‘80s by prof. Z. Pawlak to deal with imperfect knowledge. Over the years, they attracted many reaserchers and practitioners with a great development both in theory and applications. They found interaction with many other disciplines. Thus, the school is also of interest to those working in neighboring disciplines, such as Decision Making, Knowledge Representation, Data Mining and Big Data. The basics and theoretical parts of the theory will be covered during the school and also ample attention will be dedicated to its various applications in each of the above-mentioned related disciplines. Courses will be given by internationally recognized researchers working on the different aspects of rough sets and coming from all around the world. The School will foster the communication and collaboration among the participants and the lecturers. Wide time for discussions will be allocated and informal meetings encouraged to generate a fruitful ground for exchanging knowledge. Poster Session Students are invited to prepare a presentation of their work in form of a poster. A poster session will be organized where students could discuss their work with lecturers. Exam To all students will be acknowledged a certificate of attendance upon a presence of a least 75% of lessons. Those interested in an official recognition of 3 ECTS credits should pass an exam, which may consist in the poster presentation during the school or in a paper submitted in the two months after the school. Contents covered The school will cover the basics and theoretical aspects of rough sets as well as its main application domains. Six courses will be given: * Introduction to Rough Sets, Andrzej Skowron, University of Warsaw (Poland) * Rough Sets and Decision Making, Salvatore Greco, Università di Catania (Italy) * Rough Sets and Knowledge Representation, Yiyu Yao, University of Regina (Canada) * Theoretical Foundations, Jouni Jarvinen, TXODDS and Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland) * Rough Sets and Data Mining/Learning, Hung Son Nguyen, University of Warsaw (Poland) * Rough sets and Big Data, Tianrui Li, University of Chengdu (China) Scientific Committee Davide Ciucci, University of Milano-Bicocca Chris Cornelis, University of Granada Dominik Slezak, University of Warsaw Application Deadline: 30.04.2016 TUITION: 450€ Covers lunches and coffee breaks, visit to Milan, welcome cocktail Registration instructions can be found here: http://www.unimib.it/go/8349523253380539741/Home/English/MENU-DX/International-Programs/Summer-Schools For further information, contact: roughsum...@unimib.it<mailto:roughsum...@unimib.it>
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