AKBC 2016
5th Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC) at NAACL 2016
June 17, 2016, San Diego, California
Knowledge Base Construction
Extracting knowledge from Web pages and integrating it into a coherent
knowledge base (KB) is a task that spans the areas of natural language
processing, information extraction, information integration, databases,
search, and machine learning. Significant advances in knowledge base
construction in both academia and industry have made this a vibrant
topic with many diverse approaches. Most prominently, all major search
engine providers (Yahoo!, Microsoft Bing, and Google) nowadays
experiment with semantic KBs. Our workshop serves as a forum for
researchers on knowledge base construction in both academia and
industry. Unlike many other workshops, our workshop puts less emphasis
on conventional paper submissions and presentations, but more on
visionary papers and discussions. In addition, one of its unique
characteristics is that it is centered on keynotes by high-profile
speakers; AKBC 2016 will feature keynote talks from eight leading
researchers in the field of knowledge base construction.
Call For Papers
We welcome papers documenting previously unpublished research; ongoing
and exciting preliminary work is perfectly fine. We discourage
submission of published manuscripts (arXiv excepted), but are happy to
include extensions and long-range plans stemming from such work. We are
particularly interested in visionary paper submissions. We aim for
papers that express intriguing and promising ideas -- focusing less on
where science is today and more on where it should go tomorrow.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
machine learning on text; unsupervised, lightly-supervised and
distantly-supervised learning; learning from naturally-available data
human-computer collaboration in knowledge base construction;
automated population of wikis
inference for graphical models and structured prediction; scalable
approximate inference
information extraction; open information extraction, named entity
extraction; ontology construction
entity resolution, relation extraction, information integration;
schema alignment; ontology alignment; monolingual alignment,
alignment between knowledge bases and text
pattern analysis, semantic analysis of natural language, reading the
web, learning by reading
databases; distributed information systems; probabilistic databases
scalable computation; distributed computation
queries on mixtures of structured and unstructured data; querying
under uncertainty
dynamic data, online/on-the-fly adaptation of knowledge
languages, toolkits and systems for automated knowledge base
demonstrations of existing automatically-built knowledge bases
Invited Talks
Antoine Bordes (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research)
William Cohen (Carnegie Mellon University)
Benjamin van Durme (Johns Hopkins University)
Oren Etzioni (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
Percy Liang (Stanford University)
Chris Manning (Stanford University)
Andrew McCallum (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Kristina Toutanova (Microsoft Research)
Please format papers using the standard NAACL style files
<http://naacl.org/naacl-pubs/>, and restrict them to 4 pages (excluding
references). Since the reviewing will not be double-blind, please
include author information. All accepted papers will be presented as
posters, with exceptional submissions also presented as oral talks.
Style files: http://naacl.org/naacl-pubs/
Submission site: https://www.softconf.com/naacl2016/AKBC2016/
Important Dates
Submission Due: March 25, 2016
Notification: April 1, 2016
Camera-ready Due: April 8, 2016
Workshop: June 17, 2016
Deadlines are at 11:59pm PDT and subject to change.
Jay Pujara <https://cs.umd.edu/%7Ejay/>, University of Maryland,
College Park, USA
Danqi Chen <http://cs.stanford.edu/%7Edanqi/>, Stanford University, USA
Tim Rocktäschel <http://rockt.github.com/>, University College
London, UK
Sameer Singh <http://www.sameersingh.org/>, University of
Washington, USA
For any questions, please mail i...@akbc.ws <mailto:i...@akbc.ws>
Our workshop highly values the open exchange of ideas, the freedom of
thought and expression, and respectful scientific debate. We support and
uphold the NAACL Anti-Harassment policy
(http://naacl.org/policies/anti-harassment.html), and any workshop
participant should feel free to contact any of the NAACL Board members
(http://naacl.org/officers/) or Priscilla Rasmussen, in case of any issues.
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