4th International Conference on Learning Representations - Workshop Track (ICLR 

Website: http://www.iclr.cc/ 
Workshop Track - Extended abstract deadline: February 18th, 2016
Location: Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2-4, 2016 

It is well understood that the performance of machine learning methods is 
heavily dependent on the choice of data representation (or features) on which 
they are applied. Despite the importance of representation learning to machine 
learning and to application areas such as vision, speech, audio and NLP, there 
was no venue for researchers who share a common interest in this topic. The 
goal of ICLR has been to help fill this void. 

A non-exhaustive list of relevant topics: 
- unsupervised, semi-supervised, and supervised representation learning 
- metric learning and kernel learning 
- dimensionality expansion 
- sparse modeling 
- hierarchical models 
- optimization for representation learning 
- learning representations of outputs or states 
- implementation issues, parallelization, software platforms, hardware 
- applications in vision, audio, speech, natural language processing, robotics, 
neuroscience, or any other field 

ICLR features two tracks: a Conference Track and a Workshop Track. However, 
this year, conference and workshop submissions are reviewed separately, in two 
different periods. With the Conference Track already under way, this call for 
extended abstract is in relation to the Workshop Track.

Extended abstracts submitted to the Workshop Track should be 2-3 pages long 
(excluding references) and describe late-breaking developments. This track is 
meant to carry on the tradition of the former Snowbird Learning Workshop. These 
contributions are considered as workshop papers (and can be published 
elsewhere). They will be lightly reviewed by ICLR reviewers.

Note that some of the conference submissions that are not accepted to the 
Conference Track will also be invited to be presented under the Workshop Track. 

ICLR Submission Instructions - Workshop Track

By February 18th, 2016, 2:00 PM Pacific Standard time, authors must submit the 
PDF of their extended abstract to openreview.

For more information on preparing your extended abstract, including style files 
and the URL for the openreview ICLR 2016 Workshop Track website, please see 

Acceptance decisions of extended abstract will be sent by March 28th. At least 
one author of each accepted extended abstract will be required to register to 
the ICLR event and present their work in poster format.


Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montreal, General Chair
Yann LeCun, New York University and Facebook, General Chair

Hugo Larochelle, Twitter and Université de Sherbrooke, Senior Program Chair
Brian Kingsbury, IBM Watson Group, Program Chair
Samy Bengio, Google, Program Chair

The organizers can be contacted at iclr2016.programcha...@gmail.com

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