Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to announce a new scholarship program for Electrical Engineering and 
Computer Science (EECS) Ph.D students who will be starting from Fall 2016 at 
Oregon State University.

Here are the highlights.

- The students will be paid a scholarship of $30,000 for 12 months and tuition 
for the first year, and will be responsible for conducting research with an 
EECS faculty member.

- The students will be eligible for 3 more years of support at the same rate 
through assistantships and scholarships if they continue to make satisfactory 
progress on their degree and research.

- We expect to make approximately 10 awards.

- The deadline for applications is January 15, 2016.

More details are posted here.

We appreciate your help in spreading the word to eligible students.

Thank you, and wish you happy holidays.

Alan Fern

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