Dear Colleagues, Hope this email finds you well. Below is the CFP of a forthcoming speciall session at WCCI/IJCNN 2016. Submissions are welcome!
IJCNN 2016 Special Session: Probabilistic Models and Kernel Methods Organized by Shiliang Sun, Yuanbin Wu, Huawen Liu and Yong Ma Aims Probabilistic models and kernel methods are two of the core techniques in machine learning and pattern recognition. During the past twenty years, many successful applications based on them have been developed. Probabilistic models are known as a solid framework to model uncertainty and dependency, while kernel methods provide a powerful approach to modeling nonlinear relationship through the use of linear methods and the kernel trick. These two types of techniques are closely related and some methods can be understood from both sides. Building good and scalable models and giving effective and efficient inference methods are important concerns for research on probabilistic models; creatively applying kernel methods to solve problems such as those in semi-supervised learning, multi-view learning, transfer learning, and multi-task learning is also an active research field. This special session intends to provide a platform for researchers to discuss and report related progresses. Scope and Topics The special session covers theory, models, algorithms and applications for probabilistic models and kernel methods. Typical topics include the following (but not limited to): - Gaussian processes - Hidden Markov models - Conditional random fields - Topic models - Deep models - Maximum entropy discrimination - Support vector machines - Nyström methods - Structured prediction - Statistical learning theory - Multi-view learning - Manifold learning - Multi-task learning - Transfer learning - Active learning - Semi-supervised learning - EEG-based brain-computer interfaces - Human activity analysis from images and videos - Natural language processing - Education data analysis Guidelines - Manuscripts submitted to special sessions should be done through the paper submission website of IEEE WCCI 2016. - Authors should make sure that papers submitted to the special session clearly indicate the name of the special session the papers belong to. - All papers submitted to special sessions will be subject to the same peer-review procedure as the regular papers. - Papers submitted to this special session track (if accepted and presented) will be published in the IJCNN proceedings. - For information about paper submission including submission deadline and manuscript style, please click here or visit the WCCI 2016 web site. Special Session Chairs (Organizers) Shiliang Sun, East China Normal University Yuanbin Wu, East China Normal University Huawen Liu, Zhejiang Normal University Yong Ma, Jiangsu Normal University Best regards, Shiliang Sun
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