NIPS 2015 Workshop:
ABC in Montreal
December 11th, 2015
Montreal, Canada
Important Dates:
   Submission Deadline:  October 16, 2015
   Acceptance Notification:  October 30, 2015
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) or likelihood-free (LF) methods have 
developed mostly beyond the radar of the machine learning community, but are 
important tools for a large and diverse segment of the scientific community.  
This is particularly true for systems and population biology, computational 
neuroscience, computer vision, healthcare sciences, but also many others.

Interaction between the ABC and machine learning community has recently started 
and contributed to important advances. In general, however, there is still 
significant room for more intense interaction and collaboration. Our workshop 
aims at being a place for this to happen.

The workshop will consist of invited and contributed talks, poster spotlights, 
and a poster session.  Rather than a panel discussion we will encourage open 
discussion between the speakers and the audience.
Invited Speakers:
Mark Beaumont 
University of Bristol
Oksana Chkrebtii <http://www.stat.osu.edu/~oksana/research.html>, Ohio State 
Rob Deardon <http://people.ucalgary.ca/~robert.deardon/>, University of Calgary
Iain Murray <http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/imurray2/>, University of Edinburgh
David Nott <http://www.stat.nus.edu.sg/~standj/>, National University of 
Brandon Turner <http://faculty.psy.ohio-state.edu/turner/lab/people.php>, Ohio 
State University

We invite submissions in NIPS 2015 format with a maximum of 4 pages, excluding 
references.  Anonymity is not required.  Relevant works that have been recently 
published or presented elsewhere are allowed, provided that previous 
publications are explicitly acknowledged.  Authors of accepted papers will be 
invited to present either a poster or a short talk.  Please submit papers in 
PDF format abcinmontr...@gmail.com <mailto:abcinmontr...@gmail.com> 
Workshop Organizers:

Ted Meeds, University of Amsterdam and Vrije University Amsterdam
Michael Gutmann, University of Helsinki and Aalto University
Dennis Prangle, Newcastle University
Richard Everitt, Reading University
Jean-Michel Marin, University of Montpellier


ABC in Montreal has been endorsed by ISBA and received support from The Finnish 
Centre of Excellence in Computational Inference Research (COIN). 

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