Hi, Could you please post this job ad (below) on the UAI mailing list. Thank you,
------- https://jobs3.netmedia1.com/cp/faces/job_summary?job_id=RES-0732153 Job description: The IBM Research lab in Dublin, Ireland is accepting applications for full-time researchers from entry-level through principal investigators. We are hiring researchers in data analytics, visual analytics, predictive modeling, data mining and machine learning. We are especially interested in candidates with extensive experience in designing innovative solutions for real-world data, and/or with a solid knowledge of systems and software for dealing with big data. Experience with data management and analysis in the context of Smarter Cities (telecommunications, transportation and mobility services, smart grids, intelligent building, water management) is a plus. Projects will involve identifying data-intensive applications of data mining and machine learning, invention of effective algorithms for these applications, and incorporation of these algorithms in distributed and parallel software systems. The successful candidate will have demonstrated ability to define research plans, carry out leading research, and publish research results through professional journals, academic conferences, and patents. As a researcher you will be expected to define challenging problems, develop new solutions, and work with business & development teams to ensure these solutions have a significant impact. -- ---Radu.
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