Hi Bruce D'Ambrosio,

You would help us tremendously if the following could be posted on the UAI
mailing list. Please let me know if this is not appropriate.


The Deep Learning Workshop will be held in conjunction with the
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2015 on the 10th
(Friday) and 11th (Saturday) of July, 2015 in Lille, France.

Submission Deadline: May 1, 2015
Submission via

Deep learning is a fast-growing field of Machine Learning concerned with
the study and design of computer algorithms for learning good
representations of data, at multiple levels of abstraction. There has been
rapid progress in this area in recent years, both in terms of methods and
in terms of applications, which are attracting the major IT companies. Many
challenges remain, however, in aspects like large-scale (hyper-) parameter
optimization, modeling of temporal data with long-term dependencies,
generative modeling, efficient Bayesian inference for deep learning,
multi-modal data and models, and learning representations for reinforcement
learning. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers in the field
of deep learning to discuss recent advances, ongoing developments and the
road that lies ahead.

The workshop invites extended abstracts that will be presented either
orally or in poster format. We encourage submissions on the following
(non-exhaustive) list of topics:

- Optimization
  - Large-scale optimization
  - Hyper-parameter optimization
  - Model structure optimization
- Regularization
  - Observation-dependent Regularization
  - Generative models as regularization: Semi-supervised learning
- Structured Learning
  - Temporal models with long-term dependencies
  - Deep learning with multiple modalities, including vision, speech and
- Unsupervised/generative Modeling
  - Efficient (Bayesian) inference for deep learning
  - Large-scale generative modelling
- Reinforcement learning
  - Learning representations for reinforcement learning
  - Deep model-based and data-efficient reinforcement learning

Through invited talks, a panel discussion and presentations by the
participants, this workshop will showcase the latest advances in deep
learning and address questions that are at the center of current deep
learning research.

Invited Speakers: The Workshop on Deep Learning will have ten invited

First day:
- Tara Sainath, Google
- Yann Ollivier, Paris-Sud University
- Oriol Vinyals, Google
- Jason Weston, Facebook
- Jorge Nocedal, Northwestern University

Second day:
- Neil Lawrence, Sheffield University
- Roland Memisevic, University of Montreal
- Rajesh Ranganath, Princeton University
- Ian Goodfellow, Google
- Karol Gregor, Google DeepMind

Important Dates:
- Call-for-Paper Available: March 25, 2015
- Submission Deadline: May 1, 2015 (tentative)
- Author Notification: May 10, 2015 (tentative)
- Early Registration Deadline (ICML '15): May 15, 2015
- Workshop: July 10 & 11, 2015

Authors should submit an extended abstract whose length we recommend, but
do not enforce, to be between 2 and 8 pages with up to 2 additional pages
for references. The submitted abstract may be a shortened version of a
longer paper or technical report, potentially with a different title, in
which case the longer paper should be referred from the submission but
reviewers will be asked to judge the submission solely based on the
submitted extended abstract. This is to ensure that the original, longer
manuscript may be submitted to another publication venue without violating
dual submission policy that considers peer-reviewed workshop papers as
ordinary publications.

All submissions must be in PDF format, and we encourage authors to follow
the style guidelines of ICML 2015 (see http://icml.cc/2015/?page_id=151).
Submissions must be made through:

Workshop Organizers:
- Yoshua Bengio
- Geoff Hinton
- Yann LeCun
- Max Welling
- Kyunghyun Cho
- Durk Kingma
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