CFP:  International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 

Special issue on Theories of Inconsistency Measures and Their Applications

Submission: 30 September 2015

Background and Scope
Inconsistency is one of the most pervasive and important issues in information 
systems. There have been significant research activities in developing theories 
and techniques for handling inconsistency in various domains, such as, 
Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Semantic Web, and Software Engineering. 
Measuring degrees of inconsistency and resolving inconsistencies are just two 
of the many issues surrounding the detection/identification, quantification, 
tolerance, or removal of inconsistency in information systems. In particular, 
measuring inconsistency has been increasingly recognized as a necessary 
starting point for understanding the nature of inconsistency and for subsequent 
proper handling of the inconsistency in real-world applications.
This special issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 
provides opportunities to promote further development of novel techniques for 
measuring inconsistency and of innovative applications of theoretical research 
to a wide range of practical domains.  
The editors invite authors to submit high-quality research papers on theories 
or applications of measuring inconsistency in various areas including, but not 
limited to:
 * Autonomous and robotics systems
* Data and information fusion
* Data analytics
* Decision support systems
* Experts systems
* Information retrieval
* Knowledge merging and belief revision
* Multi-agent systems
* Machine learning and data mining
* Preference handling
* Requirements engineering
* Recommender system
* Semantics web
* Software engineering
Important Dates:
Submission: 30 September 2015
 Notice of conditional acceptance: December-May 2016
 On-line publication (expected): Aug-Sep 2016
Submission and Review Process:
Authors should prepare their papers according to the Guide for Authors of the 
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning ( 
All submissions must be made electronically through the Elsevier's EES 
submission system at with the Article Type 'SI: 
Inconsistency Handling'. All papers will be peer-reviewed following the IJAR 
review guidelines.
Guest Editors
Weiru Liu <>
 School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
 Queen's University Belfast, UK
Kedian Mu <>
 School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, China

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