Special Issue on Physiology in Personalized Systems
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of
Personalization Research (UMUAI)
*** Submission deadline for extended abstracts: June 1, 2015
*** Submission deadline for full papers (for accepted abstracts):
September 1, 2015
Special Issue web site:
Marko Tkalčič, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Stephen Fairclough, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, United
Kingdom (s.fairclo...@ljmu.ac.uk)
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
(con...@cs.ubc.ca )
Aleksander Väljamäe, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Personalization techniques, in general, build upon user models. These
models are application-specific and account both for long-term user
characteristics (traits, such as preferences, attitudes, personality,
which are stable over longer time periods) and short-term user
characteristics (e.g. affective/cognitive states, which change more
rapidly). Long-term characteristics can be acquired with existing
acquisition techniques using either one-time intrusive questionnaires or
slowly and unobtrusively via various modalities, e.g. ratings, browsing
history, social media streams. However, these approaches may not be as
effective for measuring short-term characteristics, which change
rapidly. Personalisation in response to short-term states often depends
on implicit measures of behaviour and psychophysiology. Hence, a lot of
research has been done to develop quick, responsive and unobtrusive
techniques to acquire the short-term user characteristics.
The measurement of peripheral physiology and brain activity of users can
provide insight into short-term, dynamic changes in user behaviour.
Physiological measurement can be continuously available, quantitative
and relatively unobtrusive (given recent advances in sensor
technologies). Therefore, personalized systems can accommodate a dynamic
representation of the user that incorporates adaptive changes in
cognitive and affective states. In addition, if these physiological data
are collected over a long period of time, long-term user characteristics
(e.g. personality traits) can be derived without any need to consult
directly with the user. Finally, physiological measures can be combined
with behavioural data to provide a more detailed multimodal model of the
The topics of interest for the special issue include (but are not
limited to):
* Physiological user models for personalized systems
* Physiology acquisition for user modeling in
* personalized gaming and serious gaming
* personalized education
* multimedia consumption
* personalized medical applications
* other applications/domains
* Datasets with physiology information in personalized
systems/human-computer interaction
* Privacy issues
* Evaluation of physiology-based personalized services;
* Novel applications considering physiology including
* games
* student modeling in intelligent tutoring systems
* multimedia content consumption/creation
* social media
* recommender systems
* personalized medical applications
* pervasive applications
The prospective authors must first submit an extended abstract of no
more than 4 single-spaced pages, formatted with 12-pt font and 1-inch
margins, through easychair:
by *** June 1, 2015 ***. This abstract should be preceded by a completed
UMUAI self-assessment form that can be found at
http://www.umuai.org/self-assessment.html, preferably both in a single
PDF file.
All submitted abstracts will receive an initial screening by the editors
of the special issue. The authors of the abstracts will be notified
about the results of the initial screening by *** June 15, 2015 ***.
Abstracts that do not pass this initial screening (i.e., the abstracts
that are deemed not to have a reasonable chance of acceptance) will not
be considered further.
Authors of abstracts that pass the initial screening will be invited to
submit the full version of the paper by *** September 1, 2015 ***. The
formatting guidelines and submission instructions for full papers can be
found at http://www.umuai.org/paper_submission.html. Papers should not
exceed 40 pages in journal format. Each paper submission should note
that it is intended for the Special Issue on Physiology in Personalized
Systems and be submitted via email to the address mentioned in the
submission instructions given above (submiss...@umuai.org).
The tentative timeline for the special issue is as follows:
* June 1, 2015: Submission of extended abstracts
* June 15, 2015: Notification regarding abstracts
* September 1, 2015: Submission of full papers
* December 30, 2015: First round review notifications
* March 15, 2016: Revised papers due
* May 15, 2016: Final notifications due
* June 15, 2016: Camera-ready papers due
* August 15, 2016: Publication of special issue
Dr. Marko Tkalcic
Skype : markotkalcic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/RecSysMare
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/markotkalcic
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JQ2puysAAAAJ
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